
Left out of the company picnic?

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I am the most recent addition to an investment firm and am still a temp. I am the receptionist.

Today the entire office left for a company picnic, leaving me to answer the phones. I am the only one who wasn't included in the picnic - even the other temps got to go.

I know that I am the "low man on the totem pole" as my mom would say, but nobody has even said that they wish I could go or that I'll be missed or that they're sorry I can't come along. I feel very unwanted and unliked.

I'm trying not to take it personally, but I feel really left out. It almost makes me believe that I will never fit in here. Has this happened to you? What do you think I should do?




  1. how long have you been there?

  2. With time, you will definitely feel and be more included. If there had to be somebody there to answers phones and stuff, It makes sense that they left the newest person there since they haven't worked at the office long enough to have developed a comraderie with the workers. Wait it out, try to get to know everyone, and things will get better with time.

    Don't take it personally, as hard as it may be.

  3. I understand your hurt, but someone still has to be there to answer the phones, right?  If you've only been there for a short time and are a temp employee, it's understandable no one thought of mentioning it to you.  Not very nice, but understandable.

  4. That really sounds unfair. They should have hired an answering service for the day. There is no excuse for them not to include you in the picnic. If I were you, I'd start looking elsewhere for a new job...

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