
Left- side chest pain?

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ok I have a slight pain in my chest every other minute or so, its been happening for the last 2 days. it doesnt hurt when i breath, inhale, or cough or anything but can it still be serious?




  1. First... things like this are serious enough to see a doctor as soon as it can be arranged.

    Second.... what my care givers explained to me is if the pain has a definite location (as in you can actually place a finger on it then it is most likely up on the chest wall  and is not a heart issue. If the pain is diffuse and not definite in location (you cannot place your finger on it) then it may be heart related and you should go to a medical care facility immediately. Hope that helps and best wishes.

  2. could be something called angina, see your doctor immediately

  3. i had something like this before and it wound up that i had torn one of my rib muscles. my friend also had a hole in her heart when she was a baby, she got it fixed but every now and then her heart starts to hurt. i recommend you go to the doctors bc you could have pneumonia. when i had it, i would get back pains and then i became really severe pain and i had to go to the ER. so go soon before it starts becoming something more serious. also try taking motrin or ibuprofin if you havent already.

  4. See your doctor right away, left side chest pain could be a heart attack coming.
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