
Leg/Knee Pain?

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i run a lot, and it hurts around on the back of my knee, kind of on the side, where the back of the leg connects to the back of the knee. are there any stretches that i can do to help this?




  1. your knee.......

    Main Muscle Groups Affecting Knee Stability

    Several muscle groups support the knee. The two main muscle groups that control knee movement and stability are the quadriceps and the hamstrings.

    THE QUADRICEPS is a four-part powerful muscle that run along the front of the thigh and attach to the front of the shinbone, just below the knee. The quadriceps control the straightening of the knees and movement of the kneecap. The quadriceps is used to extend the leg, and is essential for standing up, walking upstairs, walking uphill, and running.

    THE HAMSTRINGS are muscles that run make up the back of the thigh, and attach to the back of the shinbone, just below the knee. The hamstrings are used to bend the knee and are also needed when you are pushing against something.

    so i suggest these exercises:

    Knee Exercises

    *NOTE: Only do one exercise per muscle group on the same day. There are several exercises to choose from for some muscles.

    Strengthening Knee Exercises

    Warming up with 5 minutes of low-impact aerobics, such as walking or riding a stationary exercise bike, increases blood supply to the muscles to help prevent injury and stiffness.

    Quadriceps Strengthening

    Quad Strengthening Contractions:

    Sit in chair. Extend legs, heels to floor. Keep knees straight (or as straight as possible if you have arthritis.) Tighten thigh muscles. Hold for count of 10. Relax for count of 3. Do 10 repetitions. You can do this several times throughout the day. You can build up to 2 or 3 sets of 10 repetitions at a time.

    Quad Strengthening Leg lifts:

    Lie flat on back. Bend left knee at 90-degree angle, keeping foot flat on floor. Keeping the right leg straight, slowly lift it to the height of the left knee. Hold for a count of 3. Repeat 10 times. Switch sides. Work up to 10 sets of 10 over several weeks.

    Safety Tip:

    Leg lifts: Lifting both legs at the same time causes excessive stress on your lower back so

    only lift one leg at a time; the opposite leg should be kept slightly bent with foot on floor.

    Quad Strengthening Short-Arc Leg Extensions:

    Sit or lie on floor. Place a rolled up towel under your thigh for support. Keep you leg straight and raise your foot about six inches off the floor. Hold for 5 seconds. Slowly lower your foot, bending your knee. Do 10 repetitions. Switch sides.

    Quad Strengthening Knee Dips:

    Stand with knees slightly flexed. Point your toes straight ahead.

    Make sure your kneecaps are also pointed straight ahead.

    Lift one leg up and balance on the other leg. Slowly lower yourself up and down ONLY a few inches. Keep the knee of the leg you are balancing on slightly flexed. Your knees must remain pointing straight forward. Do not let them turn inward. Stand straight, do not lean you body to one side. Do 10 dips. Switch sides.

    If you feel pain in your knees, start with fewer dips.

    Quad Strengthening Partial Squats:

    Double leg partial squat: Stand. Keep Back Upright. Knees pointing straight ahead - inline with feet and hips. Slowly lower yourself. Don't bend your knees beyond a 90-degree angle, if 90 degrees is too difficult bend even less.

    Safety Tip: Make sure your knees do not extend beyond your toes when doing partial squats. Keeping your weight behind your knees reduces the pressure on the knee joint during the squat. Bending the knees beyond 90 degrees (a right angle) places excessive strain on the knee.

    Hamstring Strengthening

    Hamstring Strengthening Contractions:

    Sit in chair, heels on floor. Don't move heels but pull back on them. You will feel tension in you hamstrings. Hold for count of 10. Relax for count of 3. Do 10 repetitions.

    Hamstring Strengthening Curls:

    Lie on stomach. Place left foot onto the back of the right heel. Slowly pull your right heel toward your buttocks - resisting with the left leg. This contracts the hamstrings. Hold for a count of 10. (Keep pressing your left foot and right heel against each other) Hold for a count of ten and relax for count of 3. Do 10 repetitions.

    Walking backwards helps to develop the hamstrings. When walking backwards, your weight is distributed more evenly, resulting in less strain on your knees.

    Other Strengthening Exercises for Knee Stability

    Hip Adductors (Inner Thigh) / groin muscle and inner quad muscle (VMO) Strengthening:

    Sit in chair, put fist between knees, squeeze together knees. Hold for count of 10. Relax for count of 3. Do 10 repetitions.

    Lie on floor on your right side, shoulder and hips aligned. Use your right hand to prop up your head. Place the left hand on floor in front of you to help balance yourself. Bend left leg and bring it to the floor in front of you. Slowly raise your right leg about 10 inches off the floor then, hold for a second, then slowly lower leg to ground. Lift 10 times on each side.

    Hip Abductors (Outer Thigh) strengthening:

    Lie on floor on your right side, shoulder and hips aligned.

    Bend right leg (leg on floor) to 90 degrees.

    Slowly raise you left leg about 18 inches, hold for a second, then slowly lower leg.

    Do 10 repetitions. Repeat on other side.

    Glutes Strengthening Backward leg swing:

    Hold onto back of chair for support. Swing leg back at a diagonal until you feel your buttocks tighten. Tense muscles as much as you can and swing leg back a couple more inches. Return leg to floor. Repeat 10 times.

    Switch sides.Do 10 repetitions. Repeat on other side.

    Top ^

    Balancing Knee Exercises

    (helps in knee stability)

    Hold onto back of chair or counter top for support. Stand on one leg for one minute. Switch sides.

    As your balance improves, use one hand only for support. Next use one finger only for support, then progress to letting go, but keeping your hands within a couple of inches above chair in case you lose your balance. Do not lean your trunk to one side.

    To increase difficulty, shift weight onto the ball of the foot.

    Top ^

    Stretching Knee Exercises

    No bouncing, slow & controlled fashion, 5-10 minutes aerobics warm up first (e.g. walking, stationary bike) Muscles warmed up are more responsive to stretches and less likely to tear.

    Calf Muscles Stretch:

    Step back with left, forward with right, lean forward with hips. Do not roll foot out to side. Keep heel flat, foot forward. Bend knees for alternate stretch. Hold 30 - 60 seconds.

    Quad Muscle Stretch:

    Bring heel to hip with hand. Keep knees together. Do not arch back. Do not leg go to side.

    Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side.

    Hamstring Stretch:

    Standing position

    Keep one leg on ground; put one foot on chair with leg straight. Bend forward at the hip. Do not attempt to touch your toes as this will stretch your back, and the goal of this exercise is to isolate your hamstring muscles in the leg that is being supported by the chair.

    Sitting in chair hamstring: Straighten one leg, keeping heel on floor. Lean forward at hips, keeping back straight. Don't try to touch your toes. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side.

    Iliotibial Band Stretch:

    Standing position:

    Stand up. Cross right leg behind left leg moving crossing knee beyond the midline of the body. Lean from the hips to the left, the stretch being felt on your right hip, side of the leg and knee. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side.

    Sitting position: Sit in chair: Bring right foot to outside of left leg, bringing knee towards opposite shoulder so that the knee crosses the midline of the body. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side.

    Hip Adductors (Inner Thigh) Stretch:

    Standing: Step off to the side with the right leg. Then lean away from the leg (bending your left knee)

    Sitting position: Sit on floor, spread legs into a v position. Slowly lean forward from your hips, keeping your back straight, until you feel the stretch. Do not bounce. Then lean towards the right, foot then left foot. Hold each position for 30 seconds.

    Hip Abductors (Outer Thigh) Stretch:

    Sit on the floor,legs extended in front of you.

    Bend right leg and place right foot on floor on outside the left knee.

    Twist upper body to right and use left elbow to gently push against outside of right nee until you feel a gentle stretch in the right hips, buttocks, and lower back.

    Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side.

    Hip flexors (front of hips) Stretch:

    Tightness in these muscles can affect the alignment of the knee bones.

    Standing Exercise: Step forward with the right leg, bending right knee. Keep back upright. This stretches the front of the hip on the left side. Keep left knee slightly bent also.

    Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side.

    Gluteal Stretch (back of hips / buttocks):

    Stand in front of chair, about two feet away from chair. Place left foot on chair, leg bent. Bring your chest towards your knee, keeping back straight. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on other side.

  2. It seems like you need to do more stretching. Do it before and after your workouts. This helps prevent injuries, sore muscles and faster recoviery.
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