
Leg cramps..?

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I’ve begun riding longer, harder, and with a new leg position, (since my horse decided to be un responsive to the way i've been riding him for a year... don't worry, its just because hes being lazy) so my calves are going through HECK...

Yesterday they were cramping as I was riding, but I kept going because my horse was being good (lol, what we do for a good result)... and today I can barely walk, they are no longer cramping but the muscles just KILL

I cannot put my heal down with my leg straight (or with my knee at any angle larger then 135* ... but I can point my toes, and put my heal down with my leg bent

All of this means I can't walk.

I’m a camp consoler at a riding camp so I need to be able to walk and jog by tomorrow... So what can I do to help?

thanks guys!




  1. Cramping is actually usually conected with dehydration NOT lack in potassium (see mayo clinic)--this is per my mayo clinic book, although people say that if you have a charlie horse it is because you need bananas.

    As far as your problem.  There is no quick fix.  Put ice on it and biofreeze (icy hot if you don't have biofreeze).  You can get biofreeze from a local chiropractor.  Take advil (only on a full stomach) - like 600mg--if you are able/don't have reactions to ibuproferun/other medicine interaction issues/okay w/your doc.

    Drink lots of water and stretch your calf muscle, carefully, slowly, gently, and often.

    As far as being able to walk and jog, I've been on enough sports teams and been through enough try out h**l to know that once you start moving again and your muscles are warm, you will be able to move your sore muscles.  It will be tought going at first, though.

    water, advil, biofreeze (or icy hot).

  2. Oh My Goodness!!!  You are certainly a very brave individual to say the least.

    I hope you are not trying too hard to press your heel down. You only have to put enough pressure on the ball of your foot and have your heel slightly lower but I assume you already know this.

    Now for the cramps etc.  After you ride, go home and wrap your legs with a rice baby and relax.  

    A rice baby, as I call it, is just a piece of material (you can make it any shape or size)  Fill it with rice (not too full that you can't bend it) and then just sew it.  Then put it in the microwave about 2-3 min.  They are terrific for aches and pains anywhere on you body.  They sell these in stores on the East coast.

    Hope this helps you.

  3. what you have describes sounds like a potassium deficiency. I suggest taking a good multi vitamin daily and eating at least 1 banana a day. I used to get them too and this regime helped a lot.

    good luck!

    Edit - Bananas are loaded with potassium, but if you can't eat them, they you will have to rely on good supplements.

    Edit #2 - Yes it is important to remain hydrated as another poster mentioned.

  4. I would just work on slowly stretching your leg out slowly. Whether that is the right thing to do or not I dont know but that is what I did when my leg did something like that. It may not be problem if your riding. Try some different stirrup length till you get one that doesnt hurt to much. O and take some Advil

  5. I go through pretty much the same thing. Once you begin riding pretty much every day, for some people multiple times per day on several different horses, the english saddle and position required isn't kind to the body. I always have lower back pain(as do most H/J and eventing people I know), and most people who jump have knee and ankle pain.

    I don't normally cramp even when I'm riding with short stirrups for higher jumping-but I used to when I rode a biiiiig lazy fat WB alot(he was a hunter, needless to say, owner spoiled the bejeezus out of him). I think it's because I'd pull my legs back a bit too far to exaggerate "GO" occasionally, and even if it was just for a split second, I'd get a cramp. So, eventually I worked on getting him more responsive to the leg and didn't have to over-exaggerate "GO" to get him to give me a decent pace.

    I would work on pressure-response, and try and get him light to both my seat, hands, and leg-because it sounds like you're in the same situation I was.

    As for what you're going through now, try a hot pack or a heating pad to relax the muscles(no ice) and as others have said, stretch slowly. It'll hurt at first, but it'll get that much better. Take some ibprofen or advil and that should help.

  6. Some gatoraid won't hurt, but you have inflammation from overstretching and working your muscles....the inflammation is what you should be treating.  Take either aspirin or ibuprofen every 4 hours and slowly try to move your legs and will work out, but it may be rough tomorrow for awhile.  The Achilles tendinitis could be a problem...soak in cold water if you can stand it.

  7. Crossmare's got it. It seams, I would say a bannana or an avacodo per day would realy help out.
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