
Leg excercisesbesides jogging?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering what type of exercises a 14 year old boy could do besides jogging or running. I don't have any equipment besides dumbbells up to 40 lbs. I also have a workout bench used for crunches and for lifting dumbbells.




  1. Do 50 full squats without weights, and 100 tippytoe rises for your calves. Its quite intense.. :)

  2. to work out ur legs, you need heavy weights if u plan on gaining muscle there, you just jump on the spot, bringing ur knees all the way up and hitting the palm of ur hands with them.

    other then that u need heavy weights to work them out hard, im 17 and i only push around 600 pounds for leg presses, it helps build the muscle.

    you will know when u worked out when your muscle sores in the morning

  3. You can do lungs squits and jumping rope it help all the lower body but realy your legs

  4. There are many leg muscle stretching exercises you should learn how to do. Here are some basic ones: touch your toes, elevate straight leg, do yoga sun position there are many more who's name are not known. Not sure if these will help with running, but will help with strength: squats knee bends jumping jacks.  

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