
Leg muscles in a fight?

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in a workout when you are trying to gain muscle to simply be a better fighter, what muscles should be targeted? i spend time on my upper body way more than lower body. shuld i reverse that a bit?




  1. Yeah they are very important, all of the muscles are just as important as each other.  You need quads for power in your kicks, hamstrings to bring the kick back fast and calves for fast movement.  If you want to develop good power you should go hill sprinting, I have been doing this and I have added an extra inch to my thighes.  I now kick like a horse lol :-)

  2. when and if u are talking about working out in a gym try to isolate muscles eg u may think that u have a strong quad but most of the time the hamstring is doing all of the work so if u are in a gym don't use the leg press use the hamstring curl and the leg extention for upper body if ur gym has one do ur weights standing on a bosu ball or a fome block it is an uneven surface and u will have to turn ur core on and it will help with ur balance  

  3. I agree with Tao and CM77. Core muscles should be primary concern. Also, strong striking comes partly from rotation and core muscles help with this.

  4. After proper warm-up try repetitious kicks first low level then middle then high. do ten -twenty at each level then repeat, you will find that your rep's will increase with less effort. do not forget to do a stretching exercise after good luck.

  5. Flexibility, speed and cardio are more important, assuming you are fighting at your own weight class.

    You want to be balanced.  You don't want to have chicken legs with a ripped upper body.


  6. Core, Core, Core, Core.

    Ask any fighter who's been more than 1 round - the core muscles are the ones you need most.  Abs, lower back, glutes, mainly.  This gives you a good foundation to carry all the striking tools (legs, arms, shoulders, chest) and offers some protection against body shots.  You need them a lot for lifting kicks and knees, clinching, retracting from a strike, extending fully, quickness on your feet, head movement and elusiveness...everything comes into play from the core.  If you do any ground fighting or grappling, the core muscles are even more important for explosiveness, bridging, bucking, transitions, proper hip movement and alignment etc.

    Cardio is VERY true too - not "muscle training" per se, but it's vital.  If you gas in a fight, you lose.  No matter how strong you are or how good your technique is.  Period.

  7. In boxing, your leg muscles are just as important as your upper body muscles for quick movements of your body to put it into good positions to make the blows of the upper body most effective.

  8. ALL your muscles are important. Don't just worry about your legs, you need to worry about everything! It is true your core muscles could be considered the most important since your upper and lower body are attached by them. A rather simple but true statement.  All striking arts channel body power out through the core from the ground or from an outstretched position back to the ground through the core. The core is also your primary channel in many wrestling locks. You want to train for performance not necessarily size or just strength.  

    Some good sites on training from the web

    Matt Furey- A great wrestler with many training books

    Steve cotter- This guy is awesome with many products

    Check out this Canadian web site

    These guys know more about performance conditioning than any answer you can get here. You should get info from these guys.

  9. It is widely believed that in order to be a successful martial artist, your core muscles (abs) are the most important. Back, Shoulders and Triceps are important for speed and power in striking. Biceps, forearms are important for grasping and pulling strength. So in truth, the whole body should be developed as a complete unit. My suggestion would be to tailor your training to your fighting style.  

  10. i fight from experience and let that win for me

    i know from boxing the best way to get out of a persons reach say a step back and the best place to fight is a step forward ahhahaaha

    people are still wondering why they can't hit me lol

    anyway the more power you have coming from your legs and quicker and more wirey your legs move the better your probability you have of getting the inch or two of reach you need or to get out of the inch or two of the other persons

    because the point of fighting is to hit NOT BE HIT

    secondly in taekwondo

    hahahhaahhahha legs are everything

    what i've found most effective for my legs are normal 1 leg squats thousands of them

    legs Squats-of 1 leg with something to hold onto go down and back up do 100 or for you maybe 10 with each leg then notice how fast ya move in a couple weeks lol


    -arms get some single arm weights, 2 of them and start at your shoulders and raise them to the roof then start at your chest and pull out like in a punch

    //from my experience best mussles you can have exept for the bruice lee wings lol

    _-_-_and when you hit somone remember your not trying to hit them your trying to hit behind them

    btw to gain muscle will NOT make you a better fighter i have known 100pound fighters that can beat me 1 hand down

    _-_-_and when you hit somone remember your not trying to hit them your trying to hit behind them-_-_-

    point of mussles is to be able to hit harder and faster and move quicker Knowlage will make a great base in which to move up tho

    so in reference to your question you should revise that like totally like omg

    btw spent some time so best anwser would be nice lol

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