
Legal Advice: Massage Industry?

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I've been a massage therapist for about two years working at a spa before becoming a therapist I was receptioning there for 3 more years.

When I became a therapist and started working @ the spa the manager tricked me on my pay (I thought I would receive 60% and it was really not even 50%) Well that issue is over because I felt I couldn't win so I worked there anyway.

Later on I helped out one of my friends who owns another spa and did two massages there as well as a christmas massage party at another spa just for extra cash. Well my managers at my full time spa found out and they were going to fire me!!

They took into consideration that I am a good worker and dependable and ended up not firing me but had me sign an agreement form that says I can work anywhere else as a massage therapist. I'm not making enough and work alot but I still want to stay for a bit. Recently I found a room to rent so i can have my own business. What can my managers do if they find out? Other than fire me




  1. if you did not sign a NO Compete agreement you are free and clear. It sounds from what you are saying you signe a no moon lighting agreement

  2. If you are in the US, you may not work even for yourself, if you signed the agreement - even if it does not specifically say anything about starting your own business.

    They could sue you for any money you may have made and even for money you have not made, as part of your "breach of contract".

    You would be better off to wait until your contract expires.  Be sure to check the agreement they made you sign to see if it includes any post-employment restrictions.

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