(In reference to my earlier question)
As I stated earlier, I am Polish and Irish. When I turned 18 (this past Canada Day), my mum said it was all right for me to go ahead and have a glass of Bailey's or Kaluha or some other drink about twice a week or so.
I don't get drunk, so don't start going on that. I have a drink ocassionally and that's it. Before, when I turned 16, I was allowed to have a drink during a special ocassion, like a birthday or a holiday.
Within the home, we took part in Hispanic customs (my mum's 1/2 irish and 1/2 Hispanic). Now that I'm 18, I'm allowed to drink on a regular basis following Irish custom where the legal age to drink is 18.
This is just in the house, though. I don't have a drink when I go out, only at my house in the privacy of my home.
Is it still possible to get in trouble over this? People I've talked to say it isn't since it's just in the house, but does anyone know for sure?
Please and thank you!
PS: I do live in the States