
Legal g*y Marriage in California, What do you think?

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I am pro g*y marriage, but I want to see other people's opinions and their reasons behind it.




  1. It won Mr Bush a 2nd term and will likely win a term for Sen. McCain. If it was really about the constitution of California the decision could have been made in the 2nd week of November.

    I am undecided. Yes, it is immoral but ax murderers and drug dealer can get married.    

  2. I actually think legalizing g*y marriage would be a good step for California and I completely support.

    I've heard many sides of the debate; Pro believes that all people should be treated the same and they should all be able to be who they are and live freely.... Anti usually are against because their religion says so, and though I've heard some sides that would make you ask a question, it all comes down to ignorance.

    You really cannot create laws based on one religion and the ignorance of others.

  3. Yes. It'd be a nice step towards equality.

  4. well... i dont want my children to be g*y cos for me, its abnormal and unhealthy, man and woman are made to be wid each other not man and man or woman and woman

  5. everyone is entitiled to happiness even when they put from the rut or eat carpet.

  6. g*y people can do whatever they want. i believe that they should be seen as legally married in the eyes of the government. however, i believe it would be crossing the line if people expected religions to change what they have been doing for thousands of years in terms of marrying only heterosexuals.

  7. They picked the wrong word, thus we will always be stuck as being left wing nut jobs- legal partnership or some such euphemism would have sufficed but then the democrats are always saddling themselves with more agendas than they can handle. This and their obvious lack of a singular direction will always leave us at the mercy of the Republican plunderers.

  8. g*y people obviously should be allowed to be with each other. However, it should not be called marriage as it is defined as the union between a man and a woman.

  9. I think it's great.  I support g*y marriage also.  Same gender couples should be afforded the same legal benefits as heterosexual couples.  Many people may be against it because of religious reasons.  That's their prerogative.  But we have a separation between church and state in this country.  I believe that denying same-s*x couples equal legal rights is gender discrimination.

  10. I'm ok it's a right being won... homo phobics: if you're not g*y yourself don't get emotionally involved in the issue.

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