
Legal Question...?

by  |  earlier

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Someone told my brother that he knew someone that wanted to harm me. In fact, he even stated that he saw this person exchange money with another for the job.

The police investigated the situation. The man admitted to saying this, but then said that it was not true and he made it up.

Isn't there some law against doing this? If you really know what you're talking about, please respond.




  1. They haven't come up with a law against being a dumba** or an a**hole yet. Our jails would be too full. There really isn't a law against it. He was never in fear of immediate danger or even imminent danger. Any type of terroristic threat statute would be against making a threat against multiple people, false threats or yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. Some jurisdictions have some sort or "Criminal Mischief" statute. This is a "catch all" and would sometimes fit this situation. The police probably wouldn't bother with attempting to prosecute this if the person didn't continue with the lie.

  2. they should at least charge him for wasting police time if your not sure go to the C.A.B and ask them or check on the Internet(goggle)

  3. All hearsay with no merit.

    Investigated by police, no merit.

    Looks like all you got he he said, she said, they said.

    No, they should charge the question the asker for wasting police time.
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