
Legal advice on a traffic ticket?

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I was pulled over and given two tickets. One for disobeying a traffic control device and one for driving on a suspended license. My license is NOT suspended....I called the dmv and they said there is just a stop on my license but it is not suspended. Also, I was pulled over last night and was not issued a ticket for having a suspended license. Can I bring this up in court and have the failure to obey traffic control device charge dropped? Do I have any course when issued a false traffic ticket?




  1. Ask the DMV to give you a hard copy of a document that shows to license is not suspended.  

    There is no connection between the status of your license and a moving violation.  It therefore is probably a better course of action to just pay it with the notation "nolo contendre" or "no contest."

    Taking it to court opens up the possibility of losing and having to pay total costs and fines greater than the standard fine for the ticket alone.

  2. You might have a defense to the charge of driving on a suspended license, but that has no effect on the other charge.  If a person is charged with multiple crimes, and has a defense to some, that does not mean he must be acquitted of all.  Your recourse is to plead not guilty and set a trial and then to defend against the charges, same as any other accused criminal.

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