
Legal advice on discrimination for having children

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I need legal advice from lawyers?

i was fired from a job that i had only been at for 2 weeks and they fired me without hearing my side of the story and just going on assumptions because they play favorites.on top of that before these issues came up i was told at my interview for training reasons it would be random hours (hotel business) so i have daughter and asked my manager when do we go to set hours because my husband is in the military and they go to the field and no baby sitter wants to watch a child with as random of schedule as we would have. so they said no set schedules etc. fine we would work on it, but then i noticed co workers keeping money from our register and etc and they fired me saying i am jumping to conclusion etc and that i am un fit to work and my position be terminated effective immediately. now i have called our EEO, Dept of Labor and so on and nobody can help. i tried to see an attorney too what can i do. i don't want my job back but they are still going through employees due to lack of management skills and are still having problems. i want to help the next person that comes along. plus they are laughing and saying that i cant do anything because they are civilian ran and owned on a military post that even ourr commander can't do anything about. what can i do and how can i go about it? So far i have written a letter to the man that owns the business that runs the hotel, and i have his number should i call him to let him know about his management?




  1. Um, okay - so you accused co-workers of theft, but had no evidence and you mention about your daughter and needing set hours, but you don't mention how that is important to your question.  

    Methinks we aren't getting the whole story here.  

    Let me give you a little advice from someone who works in the accounting/HR fields (plus I have a degree in accounting and I have employment law and human resources training experience in class and in the field) - you can be terminated at any time without any cause in the United States within the first 90 days of employment.  Employment law varies state by state, but most states have the same clause in their laws as well.

    An attorney may speak to you but will probably charge you a retainer and will tell you that there is nothing he or she can do.  

    Spend your time looking for new employment.  

    Good luck!

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