
Legal advice regarding only $100

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I broke my roommates futon. I fixed it better than it originally was. She said it wasn't good enough and demanded I pay her and that she keep it. We worked out a deal where I woud give her $150 when she moved out and another $100 in a couple weeks when I could get it. In exchange I would keep the futon. When she moved, she stole my lamp, toaster, and my other rommates $80 dress. As a result, I never sent her the rest of the money and chalked up this situation as even. She is now constantly calling and texting me and I'm not answering, because I don't feel like i owe her anything. She is now asking my friends my new address and stuff ( I moved). How do i handle this situation?




  1. She is crazy.  Save all the text messages (harassment)  and get a typed written note from your other roommate as evidence that she stole things when she left the apartment and that the roommate witnessed you paying her $150 for the broken futon.  Then block her phone number and tell the roommate NOT to give her your new address.  If she find out, tell her that if she or her father stops by your home, you are calling the police.  She could take you to small claims court.  If you receive a subpoena, then just pay her the other $100 when you can via check.  Otherwise, ignore her.

    Edited: Get a copy of that $150 check for your records.

  2. hustle a judge or cop gonna do something about it...because it ridiculous.......she messing with you ..she fishing N willing to catch a big fish..........just tell her that your other roommate put charged againts her for stoled property under $500.......N she not allowed to be 200 meter near you.

  3. This person sounds off her nut.  In my opinion you owe her nothing.

  4. First off, it sounds like she is not internet savvy enough to find out your address online. or will list anyone's address if the bills are in your name, and you can get it removed from there if you fill out the online application.

    Secondly, you owe her zilch. She needs to return the stuff she took from you in exchange for the $100. Call her and tell her that, especially since the dress she took was worth 80 bucks when she took it.

    Also just to cover your bases, get a written note from your other old roommate stating that she stole the dress, and your stuff was taken too. If you can, get it signed by a notary... makes it look a lot more official.

    If her Dad comes around, tell him what she did. Dad's don't like to hear about that kind of stuff, and might take your side.  

  5. Change your phone number and tell your friends not to give her your new address.  If she does get a hold of the new address, you can file for harassment.  Assuming it wasn't in writing and you didn't sign anything, she can't prove you owe her anything and she can't do anything about it.

  6. was there anything signed? if not shell have to prove it was hers and you owe her which may or may not be difficult to

  7. tell her wut u just told us........if i'm correct in assuming this, u haven't told her anything bout wut u feel and why ur not sending the money (and i do have 2 admit, i would not send the money if i wuz in ur position but i dont want 2 advise u 2 do anything b/c i dont want u 2 get in a more messed up and legal situation)  also, i personally think the deal u guys worked out wuz really unfair if u already fixed the futon.....$250 is lot for a ***** futon lol.  well good luck!

  8. Tell her you have the $ 100 for her, she just needs to bring back the stuff she took to get it.

  9. First off the Jewish thing while in your mind is something viable, it is a serious breech of discrimination.  That being said if it is true that she did steal all those items from your old apt.  I would simply have said, keep this up and I will have you arrested and your *** thrown in Jail for robbing us.  You ever contact me again and you will be in front of a Judge for harassment.  This should make her realize that you are no one to be messed with.

    Good luck  

  10. Have the texts ready and all the evidence of her harassment. Go as far as to have someone video tape if she comes by or drives by your apartment (if she gets the address). Call the police and let them know this girl has threatened to break into your apartment and take your items.

    Finally, file a restraining order against her. She cannot go within a certain feet of your residence or apartment.

    She can try to take you to a small claims court but she probably knows it's not worth it. She'd spend more in money in the end and without a written agreement, it's she said vs he said. Very difficult to prove.

    Good luck and keep us informed.

  11. lol im glad you moved too, listen if your a good guy pay her the hundred and tell her why u think its wrong and hey if 100 gets rid of a bad person so be it great deal, maybe she will see things your way ? who knows, give her the money and explain how you think about it and wait for the answer, dont hold back with the money, do it and you will have a clear conicience

  12. tell her to go pawn the stuff she stole and shut up.  

  13. Tell her that if she doesn't stop harassing you, YOU will report HER for theft. All she can do to you is take you to small claims court. If she does that, have a list of all the things she stole from you. And if you have your other roommate come with you and testify about what was stolen from her, you both would probably win. But I'm not a lawyer.

  14. You owe this person nothing since she stole stuff from your place.  Ignore her calls and text messages and tell your friends not to give her your address.  This woman is not right in the head.  Let her stew in her own juices and move on.

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