
Legal age a 14/15 year old can work without a break the the UK.?

by  |  earlier

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I work as a waitress and have been working long hours without a break, and so I was wondering what the legal restrictions are?

Thanks =]




  1. Doesn't matter your age you are still entitled to a break by LAW!

  2. not sure what the laws are exactly in the UK, but Im sure they are similar here to the US..

    In the US, your employeer is required to give you a break for so many hours that you work...  it doesnt matter what your age is.

    Mention to your boss that you have been working long and not getting your break.  In some jobs, you need to be assertive about getting your break time..  as you can easily be forgotton about otherwise.  Things get busy and it happens.

  3. Doesnt matter what age you are, you are always entitled to a break when you work 6 hours or more. When I was working a 9 hour day, legally I was entitled to a break every 3h 45m (although I always got more). If you just work 6 hours, your meant to get a 20 min break minimum... You should prob speak to citizens advice to find out exactly what you should be getting.

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