
Legal drinking age in Spain?

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I'm going to Spain this summer with my school. I'm 15 now but I will turn 16 like half way through the trip. Can I drink alcohol? I am really worried because I am going to be the youngest person on the trip because I am a year ahead in Spanish AND young for my age. I am going to be so embarrassed if I am the only one who can't drink! Itinerary includes Madrid, Salamanca, and oh yeah, Lisbon. So also what is the age in Portugal?




  1. 16

  2. 6 ... you didnt mention to drink what.

    I see little kids drinking water all the time.

  3. Gosh i'm really not sure but let's be honest, many people drink even when it's illegal.

  4. oh! sure you could 16 is the legal age

  5. Never heard of anyone having problems in Spain, really. But better wait for Spaniards to answer

  6. You have to be 16 to drink in spain. Hope this helped you out. And have i good time getting your drink on!  also these people who answered 14 or 18 are wrong. Check the sight i listed at the bottom. Yet again hope this helped

  7. I'm Spanish and the legal age here to buy alcohol is 18. In my city, even in the supermarkets you have to show your ID if you want to buy a bottle of wine. Supermarkets, bars and clubs can be fined if they sell alcohol to young people. In some places you won't have any problem because they will serve you alcohol anyway. But don't worry about that now. If you are the only one underage, you won't have any problem. If all the people in your group are underage, then you may not be allow to drink alcohol

  8. the person who said european drinking age is wrong diffrent european countries have diffrent leaders diffrent rules like in italy its 14

  9. Ok, as usual lot's of misinformation about Europe.

    I'm portuguese AND I live near the spanish border.

    The legal age is 18 in both countries like it is in all EU countries, it used to be 16 until 2 years ago.

    So you have to be 18 to order a drink in a bar.

    But, at most bars in Portugal and Spain, especially outdoors, they won't ask your age, except maybe in big clubs.

    The law should apply to restaurants also but I'm 100% sure that if you're eating in a restaurant with older people you can drink alcohol completely at ease.

    Even so, you at 16 can calmly go inside any supermarket, buy as much alcohol as you want and drink it wherever you please...

    Just don't over do it and take advantage of the trip and try and enjoy the excellent portuguese and spanish wines, try the Vinho Verde (green wine, unique in the world) while in Portugal and try the Rioja  while in Spain...

  10. European drinking age is 18.

  11. it is definitely 14 and no one will card you...18 to buy alcohol tho

  12. I think you should stop worrying about it.  You should not be drinking at age 16, ANYWHERE, and I'm betting that you won't be allowed to drink, because it's a school trip.

    Besides, why would you want to have your first hangover when you are supposed to be enjoying, say, the Plaza Mayor, or whichever museum.  

    Have a good time, and refrain.  (and it's 18, anyway.)

    *edit*  I was surprised to find that there are websites with bad information.  What I got when I was there, (7 months ago) was that it isn't legal to drink under 18, as stated by Heteronimo.  I agree with him that a glass of wine, IF it's okay with the advisor/trip guide, whatever you call your teacher, is a good idea.  Can you get vinho verde in Spain?  We especially looked for it in Portugal, but I've occasionally (and only in really large stores) been able to find it here in the states!!!  Never thought I'd see the day.

    In any case, double check with your teacher, and be sure it's ok, but don't overindulge!  Save that for when you're older and it's legal.   And you WILL go back when you're older.  I can pretty well guarantee that.

  13. European drinking age isn't 18 as the person up ther ^ ^ ^ said. It's different in different countries and i know for a fact that spain is 16. I went there when I was 15 and it easy to get served if you're underage, i didn't even look 15!

    Have a good time, i'm not sure what it is in portugal but i think it is also 16.

  14. If you're old enough to dodge a wrench, you're old enough to drink.

  15. i went there last summer, sry it's still 18 lol i tried too!

    [at least thats what my teachers told me when i asked]

  16. @Roger C:

    Hey Roger for Germany your source is wrong!!!

    Since 01/01/2008 legal drinking age in Germany is 18 with no exceptions.

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


  17. Hi, Ayelle, I'm from Spain and I can tell you that the legal age for drinking (and so buying drinks) in Spain is 18. And that is the legal age to visit pubs, discos... etc.

    Of course, it's difficult to buy alcohol if you are younger in so many places, but usually in pubs and discos you can enter... if you look older enough xD (If the disco is for, let's say, medium age, that would be more difficult).

    In Lisbon, similar.

    And if you want to know my opinion, you would not find hard difficulties in Salamanca, the student's city.

    Have a nice trip!

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