
Legal guardianship?

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what does this entail? what has to be done to make guardianship viable? what are some cases where someone would have guardianship instead of fostering or adopting them?




  1. legal guardianship is more concrete than legal custody but not quite adoption. You have all the same rights as adoption though. We have the same rights and responsibilities as a parent. There is temp guardianship and permanent guardianship. Permanent guardianship is when all efforts to have the parents raise the child have been used and it is highly unlikely the parents will ever be in a position to get them back. As far as starting the process I am unsure on as we are permanent guardians but got the boys from foster care so our case worker did all the paperwork. Just told us when to meet her in court. And we are considered, and called "Mom and Dad" to them......edit: custody, the parents still have a a say in some things, doctors, schooling and probably other things. But with guardianship, the guardian has full authority and its considered more permanent.

  2. My mother has legal guardianship of my niece and has since she was a few months old. In Michigan legal guardianship can be revoked by the parent at any time and has to be renewed every six months. My mother makes all necessary decisions for my niece, can enroll her in school, take her to Dr. Appointments and such, but could not make non essential decisions such as cosmetic surgery.

  3. I would only accept guardianship for a Temporary placement of a child. If I am going to Walk like a Mom and Talk like a mom I want to be called and legally able to be a mom...

    I would take guardianship of my grandchildren or nieces and nephews while my child or sibling were under anesthesia and unable to make Parental Decisions....

    But, the Moment I was in the situation of being Liable for the child's behavior--responsible for medical and educational decisions and obligated to feed-clothe and provide emotional and financial support on an ongoing unending basis I would want Far more then the right to GUARD a child.... I would want to have the right to Parent the child.....

  4. you would have to file a petition at the county court for guardianship.  I was 12 when my grandmother did this for me and my brother (my mom passed away)...I know I had to be okay with the whole thing.  I don't know how old the person is you want to take care of...but other things may have to take place.
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