
Legal help concerning High School Policies and Rules?

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Ok people i need some help. I need to know what the limits of a high school rule book and policies are. More and more often im hearing what sounds to me like blatant desregard of basic rights. Its no secret that schools suppress freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and always escalate matters to a higher level than necessary. Why is it that a school administrator can simply call the police and say that a person was being disruptive and can make the police officer give a person a ticket. How is it that, oh say, throwing a piece of paper across the room deserve me getting a ticket for distrubing the piece and nearly getting one for inciting a riot! This is all very true it happened to me during the school year! This is unfair and for some reason they can never be proven wrong. Can the law really be manipulated like that? Ju8t to make examples of students? Just cause the admin. dont like me can they do this?




  1. That is BS, But unfortunately it isn't jsut your school that works like this nowadays, just look at the U.S. government, did you know that you need a permit to hold a protest, THAT's BS!!!!

    However I agree with you that they are really pulling back your rights... BTW what school do you go to, If you want, I can annoy the h**l out'em for ya!!!

  2. I know exactly what you mean. When i was in 6th grade i died the tips of my hair blue, and was told i was a distraction to others and would either have to cut my hair or be suspended.

    What it boils down to is if the administrator can find a way to say that what you are doing is standing in the way of others reaching their education potential, then you are disturbing the peace. Its ridiculous, yes! But these loopholes are everywhere in life, and the only way to fight them is to get in trouble, then make an example of them to the media! Even then it may not work.

  3. There are some places that your "right to assembly", "freedom of speech", etc are not applicable.

    One of those places is school.  You are there to learn, so that you can become a productive member of society.  You are not there to disturb the rest of the class and prevent THEM from their opportunity to gain knowledge.

    If you don't want the police or the principal to monitor your behavior, then monitor your OWN behavior and it won't be neccessary.

    You are not being treated like a second class citizen.  You are acting like one.  If it wasn't for kids like you, there would be no need for rules like that.

    The schools are mandated by law to provide the opportunity for children to get an education.  If you are impacting that by being disruptive, they have every right to stop you by whatever means is available to them.

  4. If you feel that you are being infringed upon I would suggest contacting a attorney or the ACLU and see if you have enough for a case.

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