
Legal help plz????

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I'm 20. 6 days ago I stole something from my local grocery store in was under $3...we don't have security officers just camera's...I did it because I didnt' have enough money for that one thing and it's so embarrassing not having enough money. I paid for everything else but that one thing. I know stealing is stealing...well my question is how likely am I to get caught after 6 days and if I do what will happen. It would be my first offense EVER. I've been in the store since then and if I was gonna get caught wouldn't I have already been. plz. help




  1. very unlikely, however if you are caught, you will pay a very LARGE fine. But since you were not caught in the store you probably will not be caught...

  2. You have asked this question 8 times. It was resolved 6 times.

    I would take the advice already offered.

  3. You should be in the clear on this one.  I would assume that the management of the store has reviewed the tapes from the security cameras by now ... if they were going to press charges you would know by now.

    Think about this for a minute ... you were embarrassed that you didn't have the money for the item, so you stole it.  How embarrassing would it have been to see your name in the local newspaper's police blotter?

  4. You could get caught at any time, maybe never. It depends on how regularly they check their sercurity cameras and if your stealing that item is visible on those cameras.

    You need to go back to the store, be honest, and return it to the manager on duty.Don't just stick it back on the shelf where you found it because then you can't prove you actually returned it. There is a good chance they won't do anything to you if you return it, especially unused. But even if they do, cooperate.

    Obviously the guilt is eating at you pretty good, you'll feel better once you return it.

  5. You've been shown MERCY!, by God........! Obviously, you know right from wrong. Ask God for forgiveness and I would go and give them the $3.00 and tell them what happened.......they will appreciate the honesty. Believe me, it's not in abundance these days!

  6. They won't catch you. But I'd not do it again :)

  7. You have to get caught in the act.

  8. Their probably watching you and waiting for you to take something more expensive.
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