
Legal rights for my step-father?

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My real dad before I was born. My mom re-married a couple of years ago to a man named David. He never adopted me, so I'm legally not his child. What are his legal rights as to what he can tell me to do or whatever?




  1. I don't know your age but I will give you a piece of advice coming from not only someone who has been there, but also someone who is old enough to appreciate the things that age and wisdom bring.

    #1. stop asking about "what can he LEGALLY make me do". This is a man, who has taken on the responsibility of raising you, clothing you, making sure that your belly is full and you have a roof over your head.

    I was raised by a step dad, I had a child at the age of 18 and the man who helped me raise her (she is 30 now) is her step dad and I appreciate the time and effort, both of these men took with me and my daughter. They stepped in and did a job that my "real" father and my daughter's "real" father was neither prepared nor wanted to do. Those two men are fathers, but they will never be dads. Being a dad takes time, love, patience, understanding, compassion and a whole lot more.

    So instead of asking what he can legally make you do. Why not ask yourself what you ever did to deserve a man that has taken on a job that he didn't have to.  

  2. If you're a minor, you should listen to him but more like a coach, friend of the family, favorite uncle, Try to respect each other.  Check out some websites or books on living in a stepfamily.  It's an adjustment for everyone.

  3. This question is so vague, it's impossible to answer. Even your own "legal" mother has no "rights" when it comes to telling you what to do for the most part. She can't call the police and have you arrested if you don't clean your room when she tells you to. So, obviously, neither can your stepfather. It depends on what your specifically talking about. Most of the "legal" rights that are given to your step-dad, were given to him via your mother, ie: the ability to make medical decisions for you and so forth. Nobody here seems to be asking what kind of a step parent he is. There are good ones, bad ones and those that just seem bad to the kids at some given time. More details would be very helpful.

  4. Legally, he is like a stranger.  Your mom has authority, however, and she can give that authority to others.  Your mom can give her authority to David (or share it) and then if you refuse to obey the rules of the house you can be declared an incorrigible child and put in state custody.

  5. David ( your step-father) can tell you what to do and you should do what he says.

    You may not like it, but he's been through the stages you're going through and he has knowledge that you lack.

    Think of him as a guide on your path.

  6. well if you live in his house and he is the head of the household he can set the rules for his house.  i don't know if he raise you or not but as a minor you are required to follow the rules set by the parents in this case your mother and her husband.  as for my experience  i remarried a wonderful man even though he never adopted my children he was a father in every sense of the imagination and still is, to them he is their father no doubts about it they love him and they know if he had to give his life  on the line to save their he will and vice verse.  remember a father is one who is there through the good and bad times. no the one who contribute his sperm and then leave you.

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