
Legal rights for parents of a 6 year old who were not married but have been living together, if mom wants to?

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leave with the child.

In MI in Livingston county what are her rights and what does she have to do legally to be safe guarded?

She does not have the extra money for a lawyer so what is the process needed to be taken through friend of the court?




  1. Up and leave, file for support and the courts will give it to you.  He can file for visitation and he will be granted that too.  

    Take only those things that you can prove you paid for or are for the sole purpose of the child.

    What is she wanting to be "safe guarded" about?

  2. Most states have legal aid....usually can be found through the "welfare" office.....that would be her best bet without a lawyer.

  3. Not sure about MI, but in some states an unmarried mother is presumed to have sole custody and she can leave anytime she wants.  You can try posting this question on in the MI forum, people are very knowledgable regarding custody issues.  Most likely you can just up and move and he will still have to pay child support.  

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