
Legal to buy silencers online ?

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Legal to buy silencers online ?




  1. I believe silencers are illegal. So no.

  2. yes, go kill some people

  3. no

  4. Yes it is.  37 states allow unlicensed persons to own buy and sell silencers.  All it takes is to fill out a few forms and pay the tax.  The ATF is not allowed to deny approval for silencer purchase or to make a silencer as long as the paperwork is filled out correctly.  To buy a silencer online, go to the auction site or dealer’s site and pay for the silencer.  Then submit the ATF form 4 that the dealer provides or you can download it from or obtain them for free from the ATF on their website.  The ATF form is sent it in along with form 5330.20, fingerprints and a check for $200.  Approval takes 1-2 months and is routine.

    Check out for some current prices.  You can buy directly from a person in your state, but must go through a dealer if the seller is in another state.  You can find a dealer here, .  You can find more info here, .  You must be at least 18 to make a silencer or buy a silencer from a person in your state, 21 and up to receive from a dealer.  

    The ATF forms are just proof the tax was paid, they are not a license or permit.  bc, Fishy and Kim0009 should learn how to tell the truth instead of making stuff up.


  5. yes. but you have to pay a 200$ transfer tax (you know, to keep those common folk from getting 'em) and pass a background check.

  6. Absolutely NOT.

    In the US, silencers are illegal, no matter where you buy them. If you attempt to buy or sell silencers online, the BATFE -will- find you and you will be in a colossal amount of legal trouble.

    The only way to legally purchase a silencer is through a lengthy background check and permitting process.

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