
Legal way to drop out of school ( U.S.)

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I need to know if there is a way to drop out of school while I'm 13. I promise you that i learn more out of school then in it. It seems like all my teachers hate me every grade and I'm the kid that is shy and doesn't do anything so WTF.....I failed math last year but got a 3 on the state math test. Now heres what i don't ******* get.....The state tests are scored from 1(being lowest) to a 4(highest). And i needed a 3 to pass. When we are taking tests in class we are all spread out like really far. So i got a three but my ******* school disc. is so ******* mean and dumb that i have to be ******* tooterd and i have to go in over summer to retake test cuz they ******* thought that i cheated if you guys dont think that is stupid i dont know what is they are just running out of kids to ******* make them kill themselves.




  1. You can't drop out of school until you're 16.


    But please just listen to what I have to say:

    Don't ever drop out!

    You will end up flipping burgers at a minimum wage job for the rest of your life.

    At the rate gas prices are going up, you won't be able to afford gas (which means you won't be able to drive anywhere). Do you really want to end up walking everywhere you go????

    And then there's the issue of where your going to live. With a minimum wage job, all you'll be able to afford is a dumpy one room apartment in a bad neighborhood or you'll end up living in your parent's basement.

    Girls are not attracted to failures so if you end up living in a dumpy or apartment or your parent's house, you'll have a hard time finding a decent girl.

    Please try to graduate, it will help in the long run!

    Go to to get help!

  2. what the h**l are you thinking, you shouldn't drop out of school, didn't you watch Oprah today?

    well any who you can legally drop out of school when you're sixteen

  3. I don't know what all the ****** stuff means, but if you drop out of school at 13, you won't even be able to get a job at McDonald's.  School can suck sometimes and teachers can be unfair, but if you already got a 3, what's the big deal in having a tutor and taking the test over, you will get a 4 next time.  Where are your parents, you should talk to them about what is going on at school and how you feel.  

    Sometimes in life you have to do things that you don't want to do, to get where you want to go.  You cannot legally drop out of school until you are 16, and I don't advise you to drop out at all, your life will be very hard as an adult if you do.  

  4. It depends on where you live.  Where I live, if you can prove that you would drop out, you can go to an online school or work with a homeschool program.  But just dropping out?  No.  

  5. home teaching

  6. When I live you can drop out of school in the 10th grade.

  7. DONT DROPOUT!! Dont do something u might regret! I know school sucks but if u drop out the only job u will likely be able to have is at mcdonalds..

  8. the only way i can think of is jump the border.  i'd go to mexico, canada would probably ship you back.

  9. No, you're not allowed to drop out of school for 3 more years.

  10. WooooooooooooooooW!!!!!!!!!!!


  11. I dont think you need to drop out.  You need to talk to your parent(s) and see if you can find an alternative school that meets your needs. Regular high school/juniorhigh is not suited for everyone. Dont give have other options.

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