
Legality of creating a sports betting website?

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I'm thinking of creating a sports betting website that simply connects 2 people for a wager. I wouldn't be a broker and wouldn't accept peoples money. The way things would work is people would have money they would earn from the my site. This money they earn would be in there account and could be used to bet on sports and eventually could be cashed out. So I wanted to know if it is illegal to create a website like this. I live in Illinois if that helps.

Also if it is illegal in Illinois is it possible I could host the website in a state where it is legal, or even host it in another country. Then offer it to people all over the U.S.

I have been looking all over for a definite answer to this and might just talk to a lawyer. \





  1. Bush banned online gambling in the United States a few years ago.

  2. They already have this, it's called a Peer to Peer or PtP betting, and the legality (at least US stateside) is just as hazy as any other form of gaming currently going on. If your outside of the US, go ahread and try it, but since your in Illinois, I wouldn't, unless you want the ATF knocking at your door.

  3. illegal to host it from the united states if you started it up from some where off shore like costa rica im pretty sure you would be able to offer the betting to U.S. citizens

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