
Legally blonde themed sweet 16...HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so ive decided on my sweet 16 theme: legally blonde. i need some help with plans!!! please & thank you :D



other stuff?!?!?

what kind of invitations (like what style?)?





  1. What a GREAT idea!  I've never seen that theme before, and it's PERFECT! .....Lots of PINK (naturally), with some "bling" and fake boas.  If you could find invitations with glitzy glam high heels, that'd be good:)  ...  You could play the movie in the background during the party .....  Food should be "cute," trendy and very well presented.  Sushi comes to mind, or little tea sandwiches, canapes and other assorted appetizers ..... trays & tiers of small cookies, petit fours, cream puffs;  maybe a chocolate fountain with fruits to dip (see if you can get white chocolate tinted pink!;  a cupcake tree with each cupcake decorated with white piping and flowers......

  2. Didn't they have a party or somethin beacue I rember them passing along a pink envelope to deliever to elle? Sorry I would have to watch it again! Maybe you should too and get ideas that way!

    I think it is a great theme idea!

    So anyways you should make the invitations pink with wrote with a pink glittery pen on it and spray with your favorite perfume.

    Make your guests wear pink!

    Decorate in Pink!

    Maybe have a quiz like how blonde are you and have everyone take it.

    You should somehow include a Chihuahua.

  3. pink everything of course!!!! you can all do manicures (they loved to do that in the movie!) and hair and makeup and stuff if you'd like. give everyone a burned copy of a workout video or something as a party favor! play a trivia game about different laws- like is it legal to.....whatever! I can't think of any legal stuff right now- maybe post a question for people to come up with legal trivia questions in Politics & Governement/Law & Ethics section on YA. have everyone take an oath hand upon a bible "I swear to have a good time at this party and nothing but a good time, so help me God". for invites you can make your own with an image of Elle Woods to put on it and say in pink lettering "Legally Blonde Birthday Bash!" then have all your info underneath- print it out on paper in color. fold it and maybe print some kind of stamp on the other side saying "Legal notice" or something so when it's folded thats all they see first. or make it like a legal document with all kinds of terms and restictions and stuff! make it like a whole page long! decorating: pink, boas, bright animal prints- whatever! you can't really go wrong with the decorations. defenetly have the movie on the whole time. food: regular party foods would be fine- she did have the box of chocolates when she was depressed.

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