
Legend wrestlers who died for the love of the game, entertainment and wrestling: WWE News

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Legend wrestlers who died for the love of the game, entertainment and wrestling: WWE News
Most of the people think that the wrestling ring is a stage of artists. Still they come out of their houses with their friends and families to enjoy. Though, they are aware of the fact that everything happening inside the arena is pre-planned and is kind
of a drama or a movie. They are big fans of their idols, love their bodies and copy their style.
Wrestling is a complete sport and it was originated over 15,000 years ago. It was the best sport for the Ancient Greek Olympic Games. It is a type of martial arts that include grappling holds, clinch fighting, joint locks, takedowns, pins and throws. The
rules vary depending on modern or traditional style of wrestling. The wrestling techniques have been integrated in hand-to-hand combats as well.
Professional wrestling in form of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is a popular wrestling entertainment nowadays. Aristocrats, businessmen, athletes and various people from different communities have come out as wrestlers. The wrestlers build their bodies
according to their needs, but continue to develop it for their fans.
Wrestlers start using steroids and different kind of stuff to increase their muscles. Besides that, they are bound to exercise regularly to keep their body fit and attractive as a public demand. Some of them get addicted to drugs to such an extent that they
end up insane, crippled or fall a prey to other symptoms. Many wrestlers in the professional wrestling had to give up their lives. Wrestlers who performed at WWE died while entertaining the people.
Chris Von Erich was the youngest wrestler in the history of wrestling to depart at the age of twenty-one. His brother also died at a young age of twenty-three. Louie Spicolli died at the age of twenty-seven and Art Barr died at the age of twenty-eight. Test
was thirty-three years old when he passed away. Owen Hart and Yokozuna died at the age of thirty-four.
Owen Hart was injured inside the wrestling arena. He was unable to retain his breath and lost his life. Brian Pillman died at the age of thirty-five. Umaga died at the age of thirty-six. Eddie Guerrero died at the age of thirty-eight. Davey Boy Smith died
at the age of thirty-nine.
Chris Kanyon, Rick Rude and Chris Benoit died at the age of forty. Big Boss Man died at the age of forty-one. Mike Awesome and the female wrestler Miss Elizabeth expired at the age of forty-two. Nancy Benoit died at the age of forty three. Curt Hennig and
Giant Gonzalez gave up their lives at the age of forty four.
Bam Bam Bigelow died at the age of forty-five. Andre the Giant and Hawk died at the age of forty-six. Ludvig Borga died at the age of forty-seven. Luna Vachon passed away at the age of forty-eight. Sherri Martel and Steve Williams died at the age of forty-nine.
Moondog Spot died at the age of fifty-one. Norman the Lunatic died at the age of fifty-three. The Angel of Death died at the age of fifty-four. Giant Haystacks died at the age of fifty-five years old. Moondog King died at the age of fifty-six years. Bulldog
Brown died at the age of fifty-eight. Ray Stevens died at the age of sixty. Sapphire died at the age of sixty-one. Karl Krupp died at the age of sixty-two. Bulldog Brower died at the age of sixty-three.
The charismatic and tough looking performers look immortal, but still they are human beings. They perform having medical back-up, but still lose their lives only for the entertainment of the people.



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