
Legit Psychic Help??

by Guest63164  |  earlier

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I really need closure on a loss I had in April. I have had 2 different psychic tell me the same thing. It didn't happen like they said it would though. (I can't understand how they said the same thing, yet it didn't happen) So I'm hoping someone can help me with closure so I can go on with my life. Please help me with this, I would be so grateful !!

If you can help please leave you email and I will contact you. I would just leave mine, but its my work email and I can't risk it getting a bunch of random emails.

I really need this , it has been effecting my life since. I am obsessed with finding out what happened.




  1. i am a psychic and i have been since the age of 3. i wont leave my email here. just click on my profile and get it there. im ver accurate with my readings.

    hope to hear from u soon :)

  2. You said you couldn't understand how they said the same thing, yet it didn't happen. The reason why is because most "psychics" use very similar cold reading techniques to be able to decipher what you're wanting to hear, and you gave both psychics the same clues to work with. Don't blow your hard earned money on frauds who are only trying to tell you what you want to hear. Don't leave something so important as your very own future to the whims of some hack trying to make a buck. "Legit psychic" is a contradiction in terms.

  3. Well here is your biggest problem. The statement "Legit Psychic" is an oxymoron. I think if you work back from there, things will be fine.

    Oh and the reason why you got two of the same things said to you is quite simple: they are very good at generalisations.

    If you want to rely on the words of fraudsters to run your life, you have bigger problems than the issue at hand.


  4. Truly if you want answers go to the source, prayer your concerns to God, it is a tuning into the spiritual world since God is Spirit. Continue these sincere concerns, and the answers will come to you, in dream form or your past friend would just come and tell you. Truly you don't need a Psychic when you can cut the middle man out. Just keep tuning in with the prayers of concerns...continue~

  5. I am not a psychic but I am concerned about you.  If I tell you its going to rain tomorrow and your mother says the same thing and we both tell you you are going to get wet then you will take steps to avoid getting wet.  How? By putting on a raincoat or changing your routine just enough to avoid the rain.  This can happen with Psychics too.  one told my husband he'd end up in the South West.  Where is he?  Living in Wisconsin.  South West Wisconsin.  Was the Psychic wrong?

    It's best if you analyze your readings and how you reacted to them to make them not come to pass.  And if you were hoping for something and it didn't happen were you to complacent?  If it was something bad and you prepared for it you may have put enough energy into avoiding the fortold event.

    I have met frauds and people that I though were genuine.

    But you must take charge of your own life and not expect even a legitimate psychic to guide you 100%.  We all have to be in charge of ourselves and we can't avoid that.

  6. There is no such thing as a "legit psychic".  They are all frauds, con artists, scammers, flim-flammers....whatever term you like.

    I'm sorry you;'ve had a loss, but you don't need to exacerbate it by having charlatans take your money

  7. There's no such thing as a legit psychic.

  8. Don't fall into the psychic trap, I kept going to these people after I had split with my fiance, they all said something different which made me see even more.

  9. You say you want closure so that you can get on with your life, why not just see a proper professional counselor so that they can help you get that?

    Okay they are not going to be able to solve mysteries or predict the future but no so called psychic can do that either no matter how much you shout in angry big letters about it.


  10. "I have had 2 different psychic tell me the same thing. It didn't happen like they said it would though. (I can't understand how they said the same thing, yet it didn't happen)"

    I can think of a *very* simple explanation for this.

    You must be aware that people call on psychics for very similar reasons.  They know that what you are calling about is probably one of a very few things--money, romance or career to name a few.  You must also realize that as a believer in psychic ability you are assisting them in their "hits".  You fill in the blanks, give clues to things they get right and forget about all the stuff they get wrong.

    These things didn't happen for one simple reason: psychic abilities do not exist.  Things will become much easier to understand once you realize this.

  11. When someone is going through a loss, the last thing they want to hear about is people telling them they are crazy because they were looking for help.  There are legit people with gifts that can help other people that do not want to scam you for money.  Here is a site I recommend if you want to talk to someone to give you spiritual guidance.  She has been there for me for a couple of years now and is about 90% accurate.  Maybe she can help you understand what happened so that you can get some relief and let go.  I wish you the best.

  12. email me through my profile and I'll send you my email address. I won't leave it here. A bit about me.... I'm an empathic medium, that means I feel people/things, and I can't guarantee I can help (because sometimes I just don't get anything, sometimes people aren't to know stuff) but if you're willing to send me a picture of your face (I read eyes, it's how I connect to your energy, it's the easiest and the best way for me) I'm willing to do what I can, or give you what I know.

    peace and love to you  

  13. why would they NOT charge you anything unless they were a friend or just not really a psychic. Sometimes friends get close enough to you and they have SOME abilitys and then can forsee the direction you are going on. Now, you are the controler of your destiny. If you were to continue on the path you were on you would experience on thing but, if someone were to tell you if you cross that road you will get ran over and you choose not to cross the road does that mean the psychic was wrong? You made the choice to make the change. It can be as simple and changing the way you think. Your thoughts project energy and wha think and believe becomes your life and your future. Example: if you believe your stupid then you will always be stupid and never succeed but if you choose to change your thought and know that you are smart enough to take all the steps to make success then you change your life. Think about how well you know these people and how well they know you that told you this. Maybe they say your path and then you altered your thinking. Fear of even something good can change an outcome.

  14. You've already turned down a couple of people and you keep saying the same thing. Either one you are wrong about your assumptions or two you are not phrasing the question properly.

    Three you won't accept anyone's thoughts but your own.

    Now, I know for a fact that one young cousin of mine committed suicide and most of the people think it was a car accident. But me being me, had the opportunity to talk to his recently departed spirit (this was about 30 years ago) when he informed me of what had happened.

    So having said this I am very sorry for your loss. Please be assured she is in a better place. I won't do anymore work on this case in respect for her family.




    does that make you feel any better?
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