
Legit at home business?

by  |  earlier

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not looking to get rich, just make an honest living from home. i have a mechanical background in aviation. i am sick of contracting. i also mave a mechanical design degree and four years using solidworks. bottom line i hate being around people they talk to much. i'm a loner by choice and i am looking for some type of legit at home business that i could make a living at .

any one out their making money now with a home based biz?




  1. Hi,

    I am mechanical engineer in houston using primarily solidworks. Why don't you pick up some contract jobs with your solidworks skills?

    I branched out and I am with a energy startup company. I help people save money on their electricity bill in texas and gas bill in georgia and I get a cut of that every month. I showed what I do to a couple people.

    I'm not retiring from my engineering job but the monthly income from people paying their utility bills has been a nice bonus to my salary. Great thing is that the monthly income has gone up every month since I've started.

    I'm not looking to replace my mechanical engineering job but if it did that would be great. It's has the potential to replace it but I'm more than happy with what I'm pulling in now doing 5-10 hrs a week on it.

  2. Hi,

    I think this should take a look on this home based business called Success University.

    I have a friend who was an engineer and ended up doing this on full time basis too.

  3. I own my own online home-based business and love it because I am at home, being my own boss, making my own schedule and loving what I do.  

    I do not have a business background (I am a former elementary school teacher) and am making $$ (not to mention tax write-offs) working for myself.  It is not thousands of $$ right now, but my business is growing weekly and I know it will be lucrative in time...the start up costs were low and I have tonnes of support.

    Should you be interested, feel free to check out by website as listed in my profile (can't list it here - it's considered soliciting) and/or to contact me via email...I would be happy to answer any questions.

    Take care and good luck!

  4. The following opportunity is something that will start you off with very little money down so it starts off slow but in the long run you will earn residual income for driving your car around.

  5. Well, I met a guy at a small airshow, who sounded just like you, he actually wanted to do something on his own and was detailing the small private airplanes. At airshows, fly ins and just at the small airports around here.

    I am a single mom and had to find something I can do on my own time and I wasted tons of hours and even some money trying to find online jobs. I found most to be scams, unfortunaley :-(

    I talked to a Dog Breeder who signed me up to buy Natrual Dog Food for my Labrador and I loved it and than decided to sell Natrual Pet Food myself. Kind of like Mary Kay but not as stressful.

    It is not an easy quick money scam. It requires work, but you can do it on your own hours and actually make a decent income.

    I distribute business cards, flyers, talk to Pet Rescues, Breeders, Trainers and Vets etc.

    Also do some online marketing.

    This is the only thing that really worked for me.

    For info check out: www.HealthyTownandCountryPets*com , click on the opportunity link.

    Also if you like Make up or Food there are companies out there you can do the same kinda business, which is all Network Marketing. As long you actually work on it you can make a full income.

    Make sure you start something you have personal interest in it, than it will be fun and easy.

    Good Luck ;-)

    Feel free to e-mail if you have questions

  6. I can definitely understand your frustration, especially with the way the economy's going. What I would like you to understand that most good home-based businesses do succeed due to the team atmosphere, so if you are trainable and work well in a "virtual" at most times team environment, you have the right mindset. When it comes to working from home, which it should be when working anything, you have to be passionate about what your are bringing to the community. The business I partnered with I consider "recession-proof" because it addresses a service many need and not "want", which is healthcare. You can get more details at

    Hope this helps,


  7. try this

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