
Legitimate spell casting services in Australia?

by  |  earlier

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Does anybody know of some legitimate spell casters or practitioners in Australia? I realise that these methods are widely criticised but i have an urgent problem that requires attention and it's come to a fairly drastic point. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.




  1. While many people can cast spells for you (beware those that charge) including Wiccans and Voodoo practitioners many people feel that spells written and cast by the person him or her self are more likely to succeed. I have included a book title for you below written by the only person with an academic degree in magic if you wish to learn about magic.

    Of course there is also prayer in many religious faiths both mainstream and not so mainstream. Others believe that collective thoughts can have influence on outcomes as well (link below).

  2. Who would be the legitimizing body for spell casters?  You should just state your problem here on Yahoo!  Answers. We can cast a spell to you over the internet.

  3. You should write to santa clause at the north pole, as christmas is coming soon.

    I am sure he can bring you a magic wand and you can cast your own spells. Just point and say "Levitoso" to make things levitate. I saw it on Harry Potter.

    Thats about as legitimate as your going to get with spell casting.

    Very funny question, I really hope you are joking.

  4. "Legitimate" spell casting?  That's a really tall order.  Spells can work through the power of suggestion (to a degree) for those who are aware of them.  So, if you believe spells work, then you can have just about anyone whom you believe has magic powers to cast them.  The magic is in your way of thinking, so if you're convinced of the person's power then the spell will work as far as you're concerned.  The trick is convincing yourself that someone has the magical touch.

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