Recently, I've seen quite a few folks come on here and regurgitate the "Lemon Law" in many of their answers.
Usually, the questions they answer pertain to the following:
"I bought a ______ 5 days ago and it's a gas-guzzler, I want to return it..."
"I bought a ______ from someone locally and the tranny fell out, can I sue them?"
"I bought a ten-year old car from a dealer and the air conditioning is out, can I return it?"
You get the idea... however, people are so QUICK to throw out the answer, "go back to (dealer, seller, etc.) and tell them you're going to use the Lemon Law".
So, my question is this: In what time frame, and in what situations, on what vehicles, can you invoke the Lemon Law? Also, how long does it usually take to get it resolved if it's declared a Lemon? - I know the answer, I want to see who else does.
If I took the responses I see, I guess I could just walk into any dealer, shout "Lemon Law!", and they'd cower and throw me keys to a new car.