
Lemonade diet..question?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i wanted to kno if it was safe to work out on this diet...because i think if your not eating n e thing then wouldnt you feel like your going to pass out if your doing heavy activity?




  1. lemonade diet?

    lemonade is filled with sugar and isnt good for you anyways, and now theres a diet for it?

    but if the diet means drinking lemonade and not drinking or eating anything else, then yes, its very unhealthy.

  2. That diet is very bad for you.  It stresses out your adrenals.  

    Be healthy first, then you will automatically lose weight.  

  3. Lemonade diet? Are you kidding!!! NOT GOOD! NOT SMART! NOT HEALTHY!

    Hello, you need to reevaluate!!!!!.

    Try again buddy, try a dietician!!!!

    Think with some common sense, I say this without trying to be mean but it is not rocket science........ok

  4. Pure genius!

    Keep it up.

  5. well if your diet is imbalanced, simply put, you wont loose fat, you will just loose water and muscle mass, but not fat.

    This is because, when you dont eat a balanced dite- say your not eating enough of a certain food group like protein or a certain vitamin, your body will crave it, alot. If you dont give in, after so long it will stop sending out the craveings, and insted, start to break down your muscles insted. You will also loose water, as a result of breaking down the muscle, you also loose wather that held that muscle together. Thats just muscle. The same thing happens with bones (calcium), vitamins(body organs) basicly your body starts to eat itself.

    All apart from... the fat- this is what remains, you dont loose it when you diet and dont eat heathily- and you CAN diet healthily. The fat just then collects again when you start to eat properly- you see, your body clocks when you diet unhealthily very very quickly, the same does not happen when you start to eat healthily- its like a case of once bitten, twice shy- you have to regain your bodies trust again. Which can take anything from 2 weeks to 2 years. It depends on how long your dieting unhealthily for. In the mean time, your organs refuel but not at the same level that your fat storages is collecting, and in 3 main places: your stomach, your face and your thights/hips. This its very easy for it to deposit fat in these places, it take less calories for it to do that. Your body will still be in starvation mode and trying to save every calorie possible.

    You do need to be careful when dieting, fast diets work to make you smaller as they take away water and muscle mass, but they all wont work as soon as you start eating again as you then gain fat insted of muscle mass and your weight booms, I'd like to say you go back to how you were, but unelss your very very focused, you will end up at a higher weight then ever before.

    As for activity, you can do this, but bare in mind that your muscles wont be as fuelled and your heart will be under strain, your water levels wont hold out as far and your likely to feel headachy, loose coordination and feel dizzy. Your more likely to look stupid weay before you faint- trust me I have been there! but you are at risk of faint- if bumping into the person besides you on thier step board (yes the clumsiness can get this bad!) hasnt forced you to stop for other peoples safety.

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