
Length for buzz cut?

by Guest59100  |  earlier

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I have thin wavy hair which looks really bad when it gets long, so I decided that for the summer I would get a buzz cut, which I have never had before. About 2 months ago I got a #1 all over. I have a big nose and thick eyebrows and that hairstyle did not look good on me. Now that it's grown out to be about an inch or inch and a half and school is right around the corner, I want to get another haircut soon. I really love how buzz cuts look on most people, but I think a #1 was too short that it looked bad on me. It was also really thin because I have thin hair.

I really really really want a buzz cut before school but I need to know what length I should get. I don't want it to be REALLY shocking for everyone at school, even though my hair has always been pretty long. I want something that wont make me look like I'm going bald (#1 did) but something that looks cool and good. I was thinking maybe a 4 or 3 on top and 3 or 2 on the sides? Pictures would be great.




  1. I'm a hairstylist and my favorite cut to do on people is a 2 and an 8.  You can have a little style and have it short.  If the 8 is to long on the top for you go with a 5 or 4 they are close and use the 2 on the sides.  If you like to use any products it will make your hair look cooler with a little style. Just play with it a little.  If you get the 8 you can do more with it.  If you're a wash and go person do the 2 and 4.  It will loo less like a buss and more like a style on it's own.  Have fun.

  2. Don't worry what other people think of your haircut.  Take one of these pictures to you stylist.



  4. Generally anything less then a 3 you are going to see scalp... Even with thick hair your going to see it. If you want something short that you don't have to mess with but you don't see scalp go with a #4 which I think is 3/8ths of a inch.. might be a half an inch. I would stick with one length throughout though.. don't go shorter on the sides cause that tends to give the Forest Gump look.

  5. You can ask the barber to do a 4, then see what you think and ask for a 3 on the sides or a 3 on top and 2 on sides afterwards. No extra charge to keep going, it is all one haircut.

    They often take the blade right off to totally clean up your neck and around your ears, too.

  6. Buzz cuts dont look that good at all. In my experience longer hair has always been better. You should grow it out more.

    You should also consider an asian hair style ;D

  7. 1/8 of a inch unless you really want to look bald
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