
Length/height related to baby development?

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My son is 9 months old and he is in the 95th percentile for length-- long torso and legs. He's a bit behind (of what's average) for motor development-- still is a little unsteady sitting up (will topple), not crawling, cruising, pulling self up, etc... doesn't have much motivation to move and wants to lay on his back all the time and play with his toys that way. I know there is a huge range for what is "normal" and all babies hit milestones at different times, but I'm wondering if the fact that he's long makes it more difficult for him to move around and develop the strength (like when he's trying to get on all fours and crawl it seems hard for him to life his torso)...? I'm not totally concerned yet, just curious.. any thoughts?




  1. my youngest son is 11 months old and only just last month started crawling on his knees. he was bear crawling before that (we called it carpet swimming, he looked like a frog LOL).

    he is pulling up finally too, but no attempt to walk yet. he is short too (dad and i are petite).

    so i don't think it's anything to do w/length.

    my middle son on the flip side of this, was walking at 10 months of age at an average length and weight.

    My oldest walked/crawled all at once around the 11 month. he was average length, but skinny. he just prefered to play on his tummy or back (like your son).

    my daughter crawled around the 6th month, but wasn't walking till she was 14-15 months old.

    i think he'll get it soon. one day it will just click.

  2. My son is also in the 95% of height and weight, He is 10 months right now he weights 26lbs, and 30inches long. He wears 24th clothes cause his torse is so long.But his daddy, my husband is really tall. But hes been walking since he was 9months old. He has done every thing early, so mine is the oppsite. But like you even said every baby is different. So he will start walkign and crawling, just wait! It the most exciting thing in the world!

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