
Lennox Lewis and the Top 10 of all time.?

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Arguments for and Against, legitimate answers backed up by some knowlege of Lewis and the sport.




  1. Lewis was very good in his "era", but I don't think he really beat anyone "in their prime" any more than other guys who take heat for dodging fighters until they're over the hill.  I wouldn't put him in the top 10 of all time.

    Lewis beat Holyfield and Tyson when they were both older.  I understand Lewis was also "older" at the time, but Lewis has always been the same type of fighter, Holyfield and Tyson were a lot more explosive when they were younger than they were (are... LOL at Holyfield) as they got older.

  2. Anyone who doesnt place Lennox Lewis in top ten of all time doesnt know what they are talking about.  For one, to put Marciano in the top ten and not Lennox is ridiculous.  Lennox would have taken the Rock out inside of 6 rounds.  Others who belong in the top ten, obviously ALI (1960s version, not 70s), prime George Foreman, Larry Holmes, Evander Holyfield, Jack Johnson, Joe Louis.  Joe Frazier, Ezzard Charles, Jersey Joe Walcott, Jack Dempsey, and maybe a young Mike Tyson would be debatable in rounding out that top ten.  Of these guys I see only Ali beating a prime Lennox Lewis.  And please, dont say Lennox didnt have the chin to be an all time great.  Not only did he take heavy thunder from guys like Razor Ruddock, Holyfield, David Tua, Klitschko, Morrison, Grant, Briggs, McCall, Rahman, Golota but he got up from both knockdowns in the fights which he lost.  He never stayed down.  And in both cases he came back and thumped both opponents (the Rahman rematch was one of the ugliest KOs I have ever seen).



  5. Looking back at the big picture,  anyone who believes Lennox Lewis is not in the top 10 just doesn't know boxing very well.  There are those who rank above Lewis in some categories or overall, in terms of accomplishment and historical significance.  However, IN THE RING there are not many who would beat him.

    None of the champions before Joe Louis would have much of a chance against Lewis.  This includes Jack Johnson who was great but a bit overrated.  Johnson could beat anyone from Sullivan to Braddock.  Lennox would simply be too much for any of those champions.  He would also be a hand full for Louis as well.  

    Marciano ranks higher on most lists.  However,  IN THE RING, he just would not be big enough to handle Lennox Lewis.  Muhammad Ali and Larry Holmes would have the size and talent and would be able to negate Lewis' size advantages.  Holyfield is strong but there are very few others who would have a chance to beat Lewis at his best.  

    Forman or Liston could score a KO but Lewis would get to Sonny first and have a slightly better than 50% chance of getting Forman before George got him.  Forman punches harder but Lennox could nullify Forman's tools early and score a mid round KO.  It's a pick-em between these two.  Frazier would have no shot.  

    Young Tyson might be able to catch Lennox early.  However, it would be more likely with young Lennox who wasnt nearly as seasoned as the more mature version of Lewis.  Tyson regressed while Lewis improved with age.  Ali, Holmes and Joe Louis have the best chance of defeating Lennox Lewis.  It's anyone's fight with Forman.  I give him a slight or wide margin over anyone else.

    Ali and Louis stand alone at the top.  The rest of the Top 10 are as follows.  This is in no certain order.  











    None of these champions would go undefeated in a series of battles against each other.  Of these champions,  Holmes and Lewis would suffer fewer losses.  This puts them near the top of this group.  Dempsey, LIston and Frazier would suffer more losses than the others.  This puts them at the bottom.  

    After Holmes and Lewis you have Forman, Marciano, Holyfield, Johnson and Tyson.  This rounds out the top 12.

  6. lennox might be the greatest heavyweight of all time.

  7. Top ten in my mind woul dhave to be.

    10, Oscar De La Hoya

    9,Sugar Ray Leonard.

    8, Hagler.

    7, Hearns.

    6, Roberto Duran.

    5, Holyfield.

    4, Floyd Mayweather.

    3,Muhammed Ali.

    2,Mike Tyson.

    1, Lennox Lewis.

    This is my list, i havent included fighters like, Max Schmeling, Rocky Marciano, or Sugar Ray Robinson as i dont think Boxing had evolved much as a Technical Art at there point, it was more or less who could take the hardest Punch and who could give the hardest Punch, the Guys ive listed i believe show true Talent in all aspects of the art of Boxing.

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