
Lenovo Laptop won't start?

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I have a Lenovo laptop, and I've had it only for two years. Recently, it's been having major problems though. I have it set to the highest performance setting and that setting eats up the battery very fast, so I have it plugged in for most of the time. However, it no longer charges when it's plugged in anymore. It wasn't a problem, until I couldn't even turn it on anymore. It was at 83% battery life when it refused to turn on anymore.

I can't figure out what might be wrong with it....could it be that I have to replace its battery, or the harddrive is burned out?




  1. I'd say it could be the AC Adapter and or the connector it plugs into on the motherboard. You could find some one with another adapter to try.

    Remove the battery then start with the replacement adapter. If it boots, buy a new ac adapter. If it doesn't I'd say its the motherboard. Which would be expensive to replace.

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