
Leo gecko bubble?

by  |  earlier

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my leopard gecko, Leo has a bubble type thing under one of her arms. it might be liquid but it is very light. It isnt big and it hasnt grown. shes had it for a while, but at times i cant even see it because of how chubby she is. i dont think its anything serious cuz shes acting regularly. but if it is serious i would love to know whats wrong




  1. with anything like that you want to see a vet. It could be a normal irration or a infection there is no way to know. Leopard geckos are pray animals and do act normal even with they are under stress because in the wild showing stress would get them killed. I would take him to the vet and not think everything is ok just becuase he is acting ok.

  2. it is a rash/blister you could get cream for it at a pet store
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