
Leo gecko tails?????????????

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Do Leo geckos tails naturally fall off?




  1. always happens   if it does it wont look a good  IT WILL GROW BACK DONT LISTEN TO THE 1ST ANSWER SAYING IT DOESNT....IT DOES TRUST ME

    before it falls off-

    after it does-

    not as good looking but here is a picture of a leopard geckos tail that fell off a few minutes ago-

    here it is-

  2. no !!!!!!!!!!!!! and it probably wont grow back srry

  3. A Leopard Geckos tail is detachable so the animal may escape predators. They have the ability to drop their tails when they feel threatened to act as a form of diversion, this is known as caudal autonomy. As it is fat and a more noticeable colour than the main body of the animal, it can often fool predators by resembling the animal’s head. In addition, the tail breaks at a crack in the geckos’ vertebra, the surrounding muscles separate neatly and instantly, a muscle will then close around the artery in the tail at the point of the break to prevent hemorrhaging. The broken tail will continue to spasm, causing a distraction allowing the gecko time to escape. The tail can also regenerate in case the gecko may once again, need to evade a predator, though a regenerated tail will look nothing like the original.

  4. Naturally, sort of. They can drop them when they think that something is trying to eat them, to distract the predator. If your gecko has dropped its tail for whatever reason there are a few things you should do:

    *keep the cage as clean as possible! They are very susceptible to infection until the tail begins to regrow (and yes, it will grow back to it's full size, it just wont be as pretty as the first one). don't use too many chemicals though. I use a solution of 1 part bleach to 4 parts water and wipe it down, and then rinse. Let it air dry and don't put the gecko back in until you can't smell bleach anymore. If you can still smell it, rinse it again and again until it's gone.

    *feed your gecko VERY often. He/she doesn't have a back up energy source anymore, so feed him/her 2 or 3 times a day, and only leave the food there for 20 minutes if left un eaten. you don't want the food to begin making food out of your pet's wound.

    *change the water often and offer lots of it! he/she doesn't have a back up water source anymore either, so make sure to give him/her lots of water.

    *try not to pick up your pet very often, or never really. You can scare him/her even more and stress it out a lot if you do. Just leave him/her be for as long as possible.

  5. When leopard geckos are threatened in the wild or regular life they can 'drop' their tails. The tails have something in the nerves that make it twitch after it has been dropped and gives the gecko time to get away.

    It isn't horrible if they fall off but you have to understand that-this is where they store fat/energy so tails are good and a healthy leopard gecko has a big fat tail. Oh yeah once the tail falls of it will grow back but will never be exactly the same.

    Hope that helps ? :D

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