
Leo man/ Pisces women?

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how compatible are they?

In bed?

As friends?




  1. Leo & Pisces

    Both thrill to the feeling of unconditional love, and their secret sexual garden will bear delicious fruit. However, the Pisces, unconcerned with material things, will treat the Lion's gifts lightly. The regal lifestyle and authoritarian character will arouse resistance. The Piscean will not submit; instead, he or she will retreat into an inner world, indifferent to the crashing surf above. The Leo, left alone, will be profoundly wounded. Yet if the Pisces remains by the Leo's side, it will be a sign that he or she is finding true emotional fulfillment. And vice-versa.

  2. Leo Man & Pisces Woman (as lovers)

    Pisces ladies love to poke fun & giggle at human foibles, but Leo has enough of them to keep her in stitches. She will lead this lion around by his collar, pull his strings, push his buttons and crack the whip when necessary. This big cat will get as soppy as a puppy dog. Then, one day, he will observe her giggles and suddenly understand what they mean. Poached fish will be on the menu that night ... (Source: AquarianAge Romance )

    This match is nearly impossible to make work. You and the Leo boy are almost total opposites in temperament, emotions and your ways of dealing with other people. You feel deeply about the people you care for and you treat them with great affection and tenderness. Meanwhile, he is domineering and arrogant, and he will harass you and bully you until he gets his way. You tend to be fairly introverted, and he is extroverted and arrogant. You are emotional and vulnerable, and he is loud-mouthed and pushy. Because of his fiery nature, he is prone to major outbursts, which completely intimidate you. You�ll end up withdrawing to protect yourself after you experience this a few times. He�ll get annoyed by your sensitivity and he won�t get what the problem is. It�s a mismatch of personality that leads to explosions and bad feelings. Give this match a miss. ( Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

    You share: a love of water, music, and the finer things in life. Even if you're only heading out for a picnic at the beach, there will be no dearth of romance.  In Leo boy, Pisces girl could have a lifelong friend and confidante-exactly the kind of relationship that fills you with bliss! ( FUNgirl - Astrology )

    Leo and Pisces Relationship. (as friends)

    An odd match that may well test the patience of each.

    Leo – the socializer, passionate, insensitive and self-important compared to Pisces – private, self-sacrificing, sensitive and poetic.

    While initially the Leo passion may blend blissfully with the poetic side of Pisces, sooner or later Leo’s active extrovert nature will clash with the introspective, mystical nature of Pisces.

    With two such different personalities this could be quite an up-and-down relationship and prove a difficult match to survive the test of time.
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