Leon Davis had his jaw broken in an incident at a Melbourne pub, last Friday night. As usual the Collingwood club has come out & stated that he was not to blame & no action would be taken against him.
Why do I find that not surprising? No matter what their players get up to they are defended, excused & made to look like angels by that club.
Apparently, Collingwood's story anyway, two girls in his party got into a fight (nice girls!); Davis intervened; security intervened; some were kicked out of the pub; Davis was flattened by someone (?).
If Davis was such an innocent party in the incident & was the victim, why has he said he would not make a complaint or want any charges preferred against the offender?
Other clubs deal will transgressing players for the sake of the clubs image - but Collingwood continually show that they consider themselves a cut above others & are not answerable to anyone.