
Leonardo's Last Supper

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When you look at the 'Last Supper' painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, do you see John the Evangelist to Jesus' right hand or, as Dan Brown claims, Mary Magdalene?




  1. I thnk he was trying to show that women were as important in the Kingdom as men were.  Maybe John the Baptist and MM were twins?

  2. I suppose it is open to your interpretation of the mural.  I see Mary now that Dan Brown pointed it out but before that I never really saw any females there.  I think it is heartwarming to think she was there.  

  3. when i look at that painting, i think "how the heck did he get everyone on the one side of the table for the picture?" that was a pretty rough and tumble bunch y'know

  4. I see a man in this painting. He's effeminate maybe, but this is just a painting of Da Vinci's interpretation of the last supper, not an actual eye witness account of the last supper. I don't understand why people say if Da Vinci painted it then Mary Magdalene must have been there at the last supper or she & Jesus must have been together as a couple. It's Da Vinci's painting, whether he painted John or Mary next to Jesus really doesn't mean that it actually took place in Jesus day. Da Vinci was a genius! But he wasn't an apostle! (Not that YOU are saying it's Mary, It's just a popular belief now that I just don't understand???)
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