
Leonardo DiCaprio to become a Muslim?

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I was reading this local Magazine about films and had a short interview with Leo and he says he is considering Islam as it has had a big effect on him particularly filiming a film (think its called Body of Lies), he says the Muslim population was very freinfly towards him & is reading the Holy Quran. First i thought this was just a film role but quite a few sources say he is studying Islam for his own purposes and even went to a Mosque to suggest a name in the near future. Personaly i dont really mind what People do but am also not suprised either as he did talk about Islam when he visited his Grand Mother who sadly passed away recently and she was also into Islam and even heard she coverted to Islam on her death bed but not sure. As long Leo makes good films as he does am happy .




  1. Be carefule Leonardo DiCaprio!

    Leonardo DiCaprio is absolutely doing the wrong thing if he marries that model girl. I think it's the worst thing that he has done in his life.... especially converting to a lower-level religion is the worst. People should progress in their lives, but by doing this, he is converting to a lower-level religion which means adversity. It's that girl who should convert to a higher-level religion not leo. I am reeeeeeeeeeally sorry for him if he does that.

    I've head of him being impressed by Islam and the muslims while doing body of lies in the middle east. I hoped (and still hope) that he convert to Islam (the last religion that and the only religion that God wants people to believe in). Islam is the highest level religion (because it is the last and the mpst complete religion which has been sent exactly for the people of this time (who can easily perceive it) and if leo (and every body else) convert to Islam, has made himself sooooooooooo prosperous in both worlds.

    Obviusly The US government and that cancer-like country don't like leo to become a muslim (I'm not sure, but it seems so). When micheal Jackson became a muslim, they couldn't tolerate it and killed him (as I've heard, I'm not sure again), maybe because they knew that if he converts to Islam, many other people who are his fans will convert to Islam, too. and It would mean a disaster for them.

    but the best thing for dicaprio is becoming a muslim and then marry a muslim girl, and there's no problem about his acting in the movies, it's no more than going to another country (like Iran whose the majrity of people are real muslims) and continue acting (they will welcome him).

  2. I am really sorry for dicaprio if he marries that girl (model) from that cancer-like country. He may have the merit to marry a muslim girl and become a muslim.

  3. Leonardio DiCaprio is seriously thinking to convert to Judaism, in order to marry the Jewish beauty, Bar Rafieli. So, all those who are spreading the rumour of his conversion to Islam, should correct their faulty information and should not spread it any further. DiCaprio is serious about converting to Judaism, in order to marry his love interest. Previously, Elizabeth Taylor had converted to judaism and had incurred alot of Arab criticism.

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