
Leopard Geck burn its <span title="SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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Well my mom was at Petco and the person said that leopard geckos need UVB light. So my mom bought it and we used it and then 2 days we noticed that they were BURNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 died =[

Now another 1 is on the verge of dieing and i want to know what to put them in. There sand makes them al dry. and this very intelligent man said at reptile depot that u put them in luke warm water and leave them there for a cuople of hours (2-3). So we did they got a little bit better.

But i want to know what to put them in like a container or a bowl a pan or what. of course i would aslo put warm water in the container.

What should i use for a container?


diamond is the name of my gecko

i have 6




  1. try a vet because there acutely know what they are talking about unlike pet-co or petsmart and duh your mom got too big of a bulb for the size tank you have

  2. it needs a vet.

  3. How long did you keep the light on and don&#039;t use sand it could give it problems. You can use paper towels. Easy clean up and works very well. You could soak it in water which it great for their skin so it doesn&#039;t dry out. You don&#039;t need warm water by the way. Just put water in bowl at room temp. Everyday put the light on for about 9 hours. Not all day because it could over heat in the tank. If you soak your gecko it will recover well and remember to keep fresh water at all times. Also remember no sand... it&#039;s kinda how my gecko died. They do swallow the sand when trying to get the crickets. So use paper towels they work very well. I hope things go okay with your gecko. The burns on your gecko will go away eventually.

  4. Ok. they don&#039;t need UVB. But you must haVE AT LEAST 6 HIDES IN YOUR TANK SO YOU SHOULD BE FINE. (sorry for caps lock) 2 hot, 2 moist, 2 cool.

    Do you have a heat rock. Heat rocks are bad they burn. I think that a heat rock may have killed your lizard.

    But you also have sand and sand causes impaction. and Impaction kills slowly and painfully.

    The geckos actually like the taste of the sand. so that makes the risk two fold. I was so sad one day watching this poor leo l**k sand in a petco.

    read the caption. (graphic)

    This is a great article with do&#039;s and don&#039;ts.(has some images from above)

    You should only have them the tub 30-45 minutes. they can develop respiratory infections. I use my bath tub. Most people do.

    I sure hope you have 6 tanks? They are solitary.

    You could possibly keep 3 in a 40 breeder (I would never keep them together, but it has been done successfully. It is another line of thought but it is ok ,not good, but ok). I would not. never 2 males together. Females may fight as well. you must have at least 2 females to one male otherwise the male will over-breed the female.

  5. Your moms stupid for listening to petco. But ok anyways use paper towel in the tank insted of sand its better and cheeper also earier to clean. Listen to reptile depot they know what they are talking about. he should be fine after a while leave them in the water like they said and everything should be fine. and dont listen to petco or any other pet store again they hire kids and half of them dont know what they are talking about.

  6. If this is serious (which it is. duh) then you should take it straight to the vet. You might have the bulb too close to their basking spot or your tank is too small to give a cool and warm side. You need a terminator and you need to look up how much heat they need. You should start doing your research on their heating and habitat ASAP and get them to the vet as soon as one opens. Don&#039;t try home remedies with SERIOUS injuries.

    Take all the ones with burns in to see the vet and until you know how to set up the UVB light keep it off. They can handle a few days without it while you figure out how to keep them alive. Also, don&#039;t rely on one site or one persons opinion, check as many as you can.

    Okay? Do you understand now? This goes for all animals BTW (the take it to the vet when they get a SERIOUS injury thing) don&#039;t risk it if it is life threatening.

    Good luck and I hope the others survive.

  7. Ah Sweetie, this is sad to read, and I feel your panic.  But the UVB bulb didn&#039;t do this damage.. they emit little heat, and they only work 8-12&quot; away from the animal.  UVB is the part you don&#039;t see.

    It&#039;s not like a sun light at a tanning parlor...

    Geckos are nocturnal, but they do get a bit of UVB in the wild.  I give my own about 4-5 hr. a day.  It&#039;s controversial, about use of UVB for Leos.  Results aren&#039;t in yet.

    Leos should never be housed on sand.  Get her (them) onto paper towels or aged newpaper (1 wk. or older) asap.

    The soaks will be good for burns, if they are burned or dehydrated, and for rehydrating her (them).  But, she (they) need a vet asap.

    Something is wrong with your set up, if it&#039;s burning your animals.

    The shop, or some one along the line of questions, has told you to buy the wrong bulb/light for the animals.

    We won&#039;t talk about housing/space, and geckos being solitary creatures right now, but you will have to deal with that too, once you get them the medical attention they need.

    I know you don&#039;t want to read a bunch of c**p about &quot;google and learn&quot; right now, but you will have to, sooner or later.

    For right now, get the animal (or animals) to the vet.  Get your money back for the dead one, and get the right bulb.  Your parents can help you with all this.

    Just narrow your focus and save &quot;Diamonds.&quot;  From there, let your parents make the rest of this mess right, and help you.

    I&#039;m sorry for your pain.  Get &quot;Diamonds to the vet asap.&quot;  The vet will answer how all this happened.

    I&#039;ll post some links below for you to look at with your parents, when you are feeling better, and have time.

    I wish I could help more.  My email is  Write me there once you get the animal(s) to the vet if you need more help to take care of them.

    If you don’t already know of a qualified exotics/reptile vet in your area, google: “Herpetological Society” -or-  for the one closest to you.

    I hope your little &quot;Diamonds&quot; will be okay.

  8. what i did with my gecko is i got a good sized plastic container

    and wet a paper towel or two i found a lid for it and poked holes

    i put the plastic container over my heating pad so it would be humid

    i didnt want mine to drown so the humidity worked for me

    i left mine over night i left my smallest rock in there

    with some water and a few worms

    i only had one that was burned so try it one at a time?

    i really hoped i helped please rate my answer:)  

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