
Leopard Gecko Shedding?

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When my leopard gecko sheds, he can't seem to get the dead skin off of his foot. Is this normal or is there a way i can help.





  1. Nope thats normal but dont pick at it it could harm it if you more conserned feed him calciem crickets.

  2. this is normal, you need to use a wet towel to help him remove the skin off of his ffet, add a a tub of damp spagnum moss to help him aswell

  3. My best friend has a loepard gecko, and she told me that trying to pull the dead skin off when it's shedding isnt good bcuz it might pell off skin thats not ready to come off yet, so i think there's no way to help.

  4. You need to help.  Dried skin on the toes can restrict blood flow causing deformed toes or even loss of them.

    Remove him to a small clear bowl w/lid (punch holes around the top of the bowl, and in the lid from the INSIDE of the bowl, so there is nothing rough the gecko can hurt its nose on) or to a mini-tank with tepid water up to the bottom of his belly.  Let him stand in it for 15-20 min.

    Either keep the bowl/tank in his habitat about midway between his warm/cool side, or place a heating pad on low under 1/3 of it.  Don't allow the water to become warm, but you don't want it to get too cool, either.

    Once he has soaked, VERY gently try to roll the skin off his toes.  DO NOT PULL IT.  If it won't budge, make sure you wet his moisture hide, and return him to the habitat.  If he's then unable to finish his shed, repeat the soaking the next day, and as many times as it takes to get the skin off his toes.

    After a soaking, if the skin won't come off, you can also apply a tiny amount of an alcohol and fragrance free moisturing lotion (like Eucerine).  You don't wanna soak his feet.  Just rub a bit between your fingertips, and apply a very light coating.

    If he's doing a partial shed, it's because he doesn't have enough moisture.  Do you have a moisture box in the habitat for him?

    It's easy to make one.  Use a plastic margarine bowl.  Cut a hole a bit bigger than the gecko in the side about one inch up from the bottom.  Burn the edges with a lighter (this doesn't take long - don't melt it) so there will be no sharp places which can damage the gecko's skin.  Place either moist spagnum moss or a moist paper towel in the bowl and snap on the lid.  Place it where you gecko sits the most often in his habitat, but not directly over this UTH pad.

    Keep the moss/towel changed, clean.  He should have this hide at all times, not just during a shed.  He will go in when he needs moisture.

    Good luck with the lil fella.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  5. get a wet Q-tip and dab his foot and the shed should come off more easily

  6. it's normal. don't try to help. The gecko will eventually get it off.

  7. this is very normal nothing wrong just its very dry and if the gecko gets wet it will come off

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