
Leopard Geckos, heat rocks and nail cutting?

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do you have to cut leopard gecko's nails

i know heat rocks are debated to be bad for a leopard gecko but is something else suitable for heat such as over head lighting or a heat rock


i know geckos arent fish but i dont put a light on for my tropical fish and they are still living and are my longest living fish could it possibly be the same for lizards? i own a heat rock thats why i ask , i dont want to spend money on a heat matt





  1. Actually,you can use a heat rock,just dont listen to them.You can use a heat rock only if you use socks or other fibreous materials as a cover for them,but before i never knew heat rocks werent good but then i reserched and it says to put a few layers of cloth over it like socks and old shirts,just make sure its not bare opened up cause that would burn your cute little leo.

    So now you know what to do,you dont need to waste your money on something else. Hope i helped!

  2. I've never heard that a leo owner is required to cut their animals nails so i'm going to say no , you don't. You should have an under tank heat mat, NEVER use heat rocks, they cause some serious and nasty injuries due to their tendency to get too hot. The UTH should cover around half the the bottom of the tank and placed on either side of the tank so one side is warm and one side is cool, allowing the animal to thermoregulate. An overhead heat lamp does not only provide additional heat, it also provides a light cycle for the gecko allowing it to know when it is day and when it is night. It should be on 12 hours during the day and off 12 hours during the night. Don't forget that Leopard Geckos are desert dwelling creatures and you must aim to replicate it's natural environment for it to live a full and happy life.

  3. You don't usually have to cut leos nail, no.

    PLEASE do not use a heat rock, they get too hot too quickly and can result in nasty burns and death for your gecko. I have seen the damage these abominable things do too many times.

    No, geckos do not need UV light, but they do need some sort of light so that they can distinguish day and night. I understand you don't want to spend extra money on mats, but it is extra important that you never ever use heat rocks on any sort of reptile.

    hope i helped! :)


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