
Leopard gecko egg collapsed after incubating for 45 days. Why? It can't be due to low humidity.?

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I've been incubating a clutch of eggs (4) in spagnum moss at 85 degrees. I am using a water bath method. The eggs are sitting in damp moss in a container that floats over water heated by an aquarium heater. I check on them daily.

I have watched them swell over time. All of a sudden, the largest egg has collapsed. There is no fungus or mold. What could have happened? They definitely did not dry out. Could it be too much humidity? I am fairly certain that condensation was not dripping on them.

I have more eggs (10), and am concerned about them. Should I move them to a perlite substrate?

Thanks in advance. :)




  1. keep it in,i have a egg also,aparently they collapse before they hatch? or maybe too much huimidity and not enough moist :)

  2. Do not worry, you holding the egg should not kill the gecko inside. Most reptile eggs get an indent on them while being incubated and the are soft, not hard like chicken eggs. Your egg will hatch the same time it would have hatched it it didn't collapse.

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