
Leopold and Loeb?

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What did the original ransom note that Leopold and Loeb sent to Mr. Franks say?




  1. Hi Katie,

    Here is a link to the Leopold and Loeb crime...below is what was written to the Franks....

    "The next morning, the mailman arrived with a special delivery letter:

    "Dear Sir:

    As you no doubt know by this time, your son has been kidnapped. Allow us to assure you that he is at present well and safe. You need fear no physical harm for him, provided you live up carefully to the following instructions and to such others as you will receive by future communications. Should you, however, disobey any of our instructions, even slightly, his death will be the penalty.

    1. For obvious reasons make absolutely no attempt to communicate with either police authorities or any private agency. Should you already have communicated with the police, allow them to continue their investigations, but do not mention this letter.

    2. Secure before noon today $10,000. This money must be composed entirely of old bills of the following denominations: $2000 in $20 bills, $8000 in $50 bills. The money must be old. Any attempt to include new or marked bills will render the entire venture futile.

    3. The money should be placed in a large cigar box, or if this is impossible, in a heavy cardboard box, securely closed and wrapped in white paper. The wrapping paper should be sealed at all openings with sealing wax.

    4. Have the money with you, prepared as directed above, and remain at home after one o'clock. See that the telephone is not in use."

    It was signed George Johnson and guaranteed that if the money were delivered according to his instructions that Bobby would be returned unharmed."

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