
Less desire to have s*x, is that normal?

by  |  earlier

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I am 29 and hv 2 kids. well, after my 2nd child, I have less desire to have s*x. Is that normal?




  1. deppends howm long ago you had your second child?

    Maybe giving birth again has affected your s*x drive?

    In which case, you could always consult your doctor and see if there is anything in particular (medicine wise) you could have?

    Or perhaps, because you've had children you might have a lower self asteem?  Inwhich case, i'd go out and buy yourself some s**y underwear!

    Either way, its not abnormal :-)

  2. With two kids you're probably pretty stressed which would give you less desire.  It could be so many different things, I had an abortion 2 years ago and my s*x drive hasnt come back.  I dont miss it at all  

  3. Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, guilt, depression & low self-esteem are the major factors of such type of problem.  You may use sexual vitality booster for women. You may find it at the website given in source.

  4. With two little ones you are probably not well rested or eating and exercising as you should. It is perfectly normal that your libido has decreased due to your body being fatigued. Call in some favors for a sitter and go away for the weekend with your husband. Don't forget to take time for yourself when you can and I highly recommend a "date night" no kids at least once a month.

    Good luck.

  5. Yes. Having kids especially more than one is very stressfull... at the end of the day youre tired and probably dont feel liekdoing much... and plus you and your hubby probably dont have much privacy to do it either. Plus after having a baby your libido can go down. But trying things like getting someone to watch the kids and have a romantic night at home might help!

  6. how long ago did you have your 2nd child? a reduced s*x drive is normal. especially after having children. don't worry about it too much. if it goes on for a long time and youre worried, just go see a doctor about it.

  7. It's normal in America.  The problem that usually causes this is low fat, low salt diets with a high over loading of bad carbs.  Additionally, eating SOY will cause this as well.  Many foods contain soy to make them cheaper.  Additionally, many other foods sold in the Mausoleums where dead food is held in state are of little value to the body and actually damage it creating all the sickness that is prevalent in America today.  

    Any time the body gets under stress, it reprioritizes your organs and hormone production.  Stress from high carb diets is very common.  Your adrenal glands produce a stress hormone called cortisol. When you make too much cortisol, the pregenalone that is a precursor to not only cortisol, but the steroid hormones such as your s*x hormones is not available so you stop making them.  Primitive man did not have the sugars, white flour, hydrogenated oils, etc. in his diet and did not have the constant stress we do today.  The adrenal glands were not abused as they are today.  When you are being chased by a saber toothed tiger, those adrenal glands came in very handy, but that guy was NOT thinking about s*x and that is the way the body is designed.

    Taking statin drugs causes this problem as well.  That junk is designed to cause your liver to greatly reduce cholesterol production.  But, this also stops the production of vitamin Q that nourishes your heart tissue, allows the arteries to become thin because that's chloesterol's job, to make repairs in the body by transporting fatty acids to damaged, inflamed tissue.  

    If you focus on eating good fats and good salt, eliminating caffeine, high carbs, your problem will most likely make a big turn around, if you are eating the typical SAD diet (standard American diet).

    Eliminate ALL vegetable oils, ALL hydrogenated oils, ALL fried foods and ALL ordinary table salt like Morton salt.  All of that damages your body greatly.  I strongly suggest you go to the health food store and buy Olive Oil in a can only, Sesame Seed Oil, and Extra virgin coconut oil and mix them equally, 1/3, 1/3, 1/3.  Use this oil to cook with and to make salad dressings.  Those salad dressings you buy in the stores in those pretty bottles are junk and mess up your fat digestion.  Each fat contains many varied fatty acids that are used by the body to produce hormones, etc.  It is this variety that is important as well.  Eat lots of butter, real butter, not margarine or substitutes.  It's best to buy raw butter made from raw cream like Organic Pastures sell because they have "grass fed cows" that produce high quality products.  Butter is a medium chain fatty acid that bathes and nourishes the large intestinal cells with butyric acid and butter, along with coconut oil, does NOT require bile to break it down so it becomes an immediate source of energy that is sustainable.

    Also, it is very important that you get a metabolic typing done.  This will tell you what foods you will metabolize easily and be able to control your weight and general well being much easier.  

    In regard to salt, you need salt, your adrenal glands need salt, your stomach needs it to produce stomach acid.  Do NOT get that junk they sell in stores, like Morton Salt.  It's very bad for you.  It contains lots of chemicals and was heated to a very high temperature and all the good electrolytes removed.  Go to the health food store and buy a good "Air Dried Sea Salt."  These contain lots of necessary minerals you need.  It is a complete myth that salt causes high blood pressure.  Those that promote that myth have NO clue what they are talking about.  There are NO scientific studies showing this connection.

    good luck to you

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