
Less fetal movement at 37 weeks pregnant. ?

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I am 37 weeks, 5 days pregnant. My baby typical is active. When I got up this morning I noticed that she isn't moving very much at all. I even drank some sweet tea and ate and she still isn't moving much at all. I don't think I can even count 10 movements in one hour. I am 2 cm dilated as of Tuesday. Should I go to the hospital and get checked? I know that babies tend to slow down towards the end but mine seems to have almost completely stopped moving. Her movements are not like they were before. I am kinda nervous.




  1. Im 37 1/2 weeks as well and one day last week I noticed she wasnt moving as much. I was concerned too but she must have just been tired that day because ever since shes been back to her normal self. However, I would still go to the hospital and have them check it out because Lord forbid shes in fetal distress or something serious. Plus you'll just feel soo much better once you know for sure.  

  2. I noticed that my baby seemed to be less active in the last few weeks before birth, I told my doctor about it and she said, that while you many people say that it is normal they still need to check it out because it is not as normal as assumed.  She sent me to the hospital right away for a nonstress test and as soon as the monitor was on my belly my baby started to move like crazy! I was completely reassured that my baby was doing fine, plus I got to see how his heartbeat increased with each movement, it was really cool.

  3. stop relying on yahoo answers and call a medical profession, darling.  no one on here is going to give you an accurate answer for what you're experiencing.

  4. Call in to your doctor, they will be able to give you the right answer.

  5. The fact that you're already dilated is probably playing into it.  Your baby is getting further and further down in your pelvis, getting ready to come out.  I doubt she has much room at all.  As long as you're feeling little movements, she's probably fine.  I would wait a little longer and try to get her to move some more.  If you really feel NO movements, then definitely call the doctor.  You don't want to risk anything.  But little movement is normal this late in your pregnancy.  Sounds like she'll be here very soon (then she'll be moving alot).  Congrats, and good luck!

  6. i would call the doctor because i noticed my baby doing that too one day but it was nothing... just realize also that the baby could be sleeping too...  

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