
Less in common but more differences or more in common and less differences in a multi cultural society?

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Less in common but more differences or more in common and less differences in a multi cultural society?




  1. cultures are nothing more than traditions (man-made) handed down from generation to generation.  we as a species of course have more in common than differences.  cultures separate.

  2. I don't think I really get your question... but we can learn a lot from each other when we have different views and opinions.  God Bless

  3. There is a much greater diversity in multicultural societies.  

    Just think of the many great things we can learn from each other,

    from different foods and recipes to a far greater understanding of the ways in which we all live.

    Differences make us all the more interesting!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. it's hard to have an actual multicultural society, I'm presuming your talking about Australia as it's one of the few country that uses the world multicultural over pluralist. Arguably most multicultural Western countries still privilege the Judeo-Christian Caucasian members of the society more than those from different backgrounds.

    Anyway, addressing your question I think that it depends on location, but certainly as culture becomes less important to everyone with the rise of consumerism we have more in common than we have differences.

    It depends on the strength of the cultures you're talking about though, and where your question is localised to.

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