
Less interdependence would affect your life?

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What would the economic implications for both exporting countries and importing countries be if the world were not so interdependent? how would a world with less interdependence would affect your life?




  1. Guest57197

     hey im mexican and im not fat

  2. i nthink you are talking about free trade??i think we need free trade but without our companies leaving the country. why cant we produce our products in this countr by american run girms and other countries do the sane then each country can buy and sell to one another and keep the hobs for the people in their own country then maybe they would attract somethe fat mexicans to their countrywe have no shortages of them.

  3. You posted this question twice; however, I will answer.

    David Ricardo won the Nobel Prize in Economics coming up with the idea of comparative advantage. It states that countries should produce the product which has the lowest domestic opportunity cost. The one which they can produce most efficiently using their limited resources and then trade with other countries. This creates a more productive and efficient world overall that has more products using the same amount of resources.

    To answer your question, it would be stupid to arbitrarily base production on lines on a map when doing so creates a less efficient world. Free trade has a copious amount of advantages, and giving them up would make this world a much poorer place.

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