
Less than a week ago hardly anyone knew who Sarah Palin was?

by Guest62630  |  earlier

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Today all these people talk as though they have known her for awhile and are way too focused of her minor personal issues which I believe has nothing to do with the current issues and problems. What do you think?




  1. I am putting together a picture of her. I do not have a handle on her earmarks yet.

    Palin is the only candidate that supports banning the birth control pill.

    Gov.Palin is a member of "Feminists for Life", an organization with members that openly support outlawing all "non-abortifacient contraception" (anything that stops implantation of the fertilized egg).

    She may not be able to overturn Roe vs Wade but there is no constitutional right to the birth control pill.

    She presides over a State whose budget has gone from 2.9 billion when she took office to 9 billion next year. 14,692.00 per person in the State. Wow. And they still have to pay Federal tax, and do not have roads between cities.

    Increasing spending by 300% in just less than 2 years. She is better than Bush.

    1200 of it per household is for one new social program by taxing them and giving it back to them

    She was able to get more earmarks and pork for her city of 5000 than St. Paul Minnesota got.

    A true reformer she went against George Bush and sued to get Polar Bears taken off the endangered species list to make the way safe to open up ANWAR.

    Despite her well known experience Palin wants abstinence only taught in schools.

  2. Mccain is always saying that Obama doesnt have any experience,

    but then he puts Sarah Palin in and he has only met with her twice,

    and the majority didnt even know about her!

    although I had heard of Biden before.

  3. i knew of her before she was the vp and i wish she was going for president instead of mccain  

  4. I wouldn't vote for someone who I just learned about.

    Palin has too many problems, as it is. She'd never get my vote.

  5. People are obsessed with the fact she's a "hockey mom" and "someone you can have a beer with" Nobody is concerned if she actually has the capability to run a country...which scares me ALOT.

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